and is going on a date with someone else tonight

we were together for 4 years

e: my moms bf broke up with her yesterday, apparently. anyone else getting hit with insanely bad karma rn?

feels pretty fucking bad ngl

  • panopticon [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    It always feels rotten to me when someone jumps to a new partner so quick after breaking up with the last one (not a universal view but people really are different). Sorry this happened, dude. But you'd have to be pretty rotten inside to do that to someone, so to hell with them.

    • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      it's funny to me now, and even at the time (years ago) i was more confused than hurt but i remember i split with a partner after about 6 months together and like 48 hours later all her social media stuff was her all posed up lovey-dovey with some new guy who looked a lot like me. not a twin, but even i was like, "uh... does that guy look like me to you?" and my friend was like, "lol, that's why i showed you."

      i had gotten off social media earlier that year, so i was kinda out of the loop. both of us were like late 30s too, if that matters.

      i try not to have judgement for how people find each other, because everything is a mess, but when people go from one thing to something else really quickly, my gut reaction is to make the same face as when someone over 12 puts a lot of ketchup on scrambled eggs.