Ehhhh kinda sounds like another mid study that tries to simplify such an abstract concept such as tolerance and intolerance, though is interesting they had people self reported as non-flexible in thinking/attitude being the least likely to be tolerant.
I find that generally, people who are higher educated and have better jobs tend to be more classist (obviously) and thus, not tolerant towards those they consider lesser
I remember reading some study that found people of all races, especially white women, are less likely to date minorities the more education they have
Could just be correlation not causation. In general higher Ed people stick with higher Ed people, which just means our institutions tend to be more white.
Nah, the study specifically asked "would you date <race> <men/women>" rather than past/current dating experiences
The trend seems to be true just over the thousands of people I've met in my life too tbh
could be some people are already in a relationship so they said no. im just trying to be optimistic about the hell we live in :yea:
When the analysis was repeated with controlling for all other factors included in the study, results showed that people who were more intolerant tended to show lower persistence, lower flexibility and higher perseverance.
Persistence is the disposition to continue working toward the goals despite temporary frustration or challenges (e.g., “I usually continue working until I have completed the task”). Flexibility is the ability to adapt one’s behavior to unexpected changes of the situation or circumstances (e.g., “Changes in my plans make me nervous”; “I resist changes in my daily program”). Perseverance is the disposition to repeat a behavior despite changed circumstances, even when that behavior is not appropriate for the new situation and the inability to rethink previous decisions and change behavior accordingly.
Ok so a good next step here might be to see if we can physically change people's abilities in persistence, flexibility and perseverance. I'm really not that surprised that inflexibility with tasks would cross over with intolerance as they're practically synonyms for one another. I'd take a guess that you'd find higher rates of domestic violence for a similar reason - inflexible, intolerant, impatient.
The question I have is if you can devise methods for changing these things in people and if doing so also changes their racial and cultural attitudes because they learn to chill the fuck out. Bit worried that this is going to lead me to acknowledging hippie culture as a contributing factor in improvements in society.
So the intolerant won't change their mind or behavior, won't rethink things. So what is to be done? Indoctrinate the very young before they're ruined forever? If they won't think critically we just have to get to them first.
Or more healthily, can we teach people prone to intolerance/perseverance how to think critically?
Indoctrinate the very young before they’re ruined forever
Yeah, pretty much. Society becomes very different based on propaganda. And the longer you can keep it going, the better
It's why all this transphobic craze is really concerning. Think of the kids internalizing that and what they'll do in the coming decades
Can confirm, being around a lot of academia types in an earlier job even though their education at the most basic level should inform them otherwise, they're still 1950s level bigoted, and when confronted, unlike their uneducated counterparts, they will deny reality rather than lean into it.
Social intolerance was found to be associated with cognitive styles. People who were more intolerant tended to be more distractible and more perseverant, but less persistent and flexible. When the analysis was repeated with controlling for all other factors included in the study, results showed that people who were more intolerant tended to show lower persistence lower flexibility and higher perseverance
aren't these literally synonyms? are these sentences structured in a way that i am not seeing, or am i just having a stroke?
Just spitballing but this could have something to do with the fact that higher education is expensive (even if only in the sense of lost potential earnings) so that tends to filter out minorities. Then those grads go on to jobs which require said degrees, which means their coworkers tend to be from similar backgrounds.
Well, if it's a tendency of humanity to have some prejudicial trait, I choose to hate fascists. Problem solved.