• Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    2 years ago

    I wonder if he would have died penniless, exploited by Edison and notes stolen by Trumps uncle if he had moved to the USSR.

    Funny how all the bad shit they accuse communists of doing to talented people, actually happens under capitalism.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 years ago

    The big giant tesla tower that was supposed to give free wireless electricity was never gonna happen cause of how electricity works and less so capitalism and Tesla tends to be mythologized a lot more than he should have been. He was still a smart dude and got screwed but yeah, not quite the dude cracked.com may have you think.

    • red_stapler [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Oh wow I haven’t commented with “that’s a GalaxyBrain take” in a while.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I mean yeah but imagine if the capitalist world had been saddled with shitty DC generators while the Soviet Union got a head start building out AC infrastructure.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        2 years ago

        He didn't invented Alternatong Current nor did he advocate for it against Edison.


        • ssjmarx [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Are you telling me that The Oatmeal lied!? :surprised-pika:

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            2 years ago

            Truly no institution is uncompromised by the massive influence of Tesla'a Lack of an Estate, Cause Volcel

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            2 years ago

            He was a ln electrical pioneer and a really fuckingnsmart dude. He just wasn't the Messiah.

        • JuneFall [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          I really like Kathy, but I think the electrical engineering Tesla did was sometimes quite need and experimental work is good. Steinmetz for example was also more a practitioner and still influenced a ton of electric infrastructure.

    • BowlingForDeez [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I was gonna say the upcoming Atomic Heart. But maybe that's more of Einstein.

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    2 years ago

    June 21st, 1941 1:00 PM: Top Secret Radio Detection Station <<НИКОЛА-1>> based in Moscow detects the transmission of "DÜSSELDORF" from Berlin to all Germany units stationed in the East.

    Note: The <<НИКОЛА>> Radio Detection System is the most advanced wireless receiver in the world, and has been kept a closely guarded secret since construction began in 1928 under the supervision of Hero of the Soviet Union Nikola Tesla. With proper tuning, it had the capability to detect radio signals from across the entire world.

    June 21st, 1941 1:05PM: The latest Enigma cyphers are cracked yet again by the NKVD using the advanced electronic decryption machine <<ОТКРЫТКА>>. Recovered intelligence confirms "Operation Barbarossa" will begin tomorrow, exactly as planned. Stalin is called and the situation is confirmed.

    June 21st, 1941 1:35 PM: Stalin approves activation of defense plan МОЛНИЯ. Tesla, 84, now retired and living in a worker's cottage near his personal laboratory in Gorky, is summoned to the Kremlin by Defense Minister Voroshilov personally.

    June 21st, 1941 1:45 PM: A civilian evacuation order is issued for everyone within 25km of the German border. The 1936 'Stalin Constitution' declared "the free personal use of wireless electricity to be fundamental right for all citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". This combined with the proliferation of consumer radio technology allows the order to be executed without significant delays.

    June 21st, 1941 9:45 PM: After a long private discussion with General Secretary Stalin, Tesla approves the use of the МОЛНИЯ Border Defense System. As part of the original agreement signed between Lenin and Tesla, any potentially deadly weapons created in his laboratory must receive Tesla's personal unlock code before they can be activated. Tesla refused to immigrate unless he received guarantees his inventions would not be used "against the interests of world peace."

    June 21st, 1941 10:30 PM: Civilian evacuation order completed. NKVD confirms full evacuation of the area, citizen rosters are verified against the Federal Electronic Residential Database.

    June 21st, 1941 5:30PM-12:00AM: Several communist sympathizers embedded within the German military and government use miniaturized radio-data transmitters to send real time updates of the invasion preparations. NKVD verifies information and Special Electrical Engineer battalions make voltage adjustments to the country's many wireless electric transmission stations accordingly.

    June 22nd, 1941 3:15 AM: Underground motion detection systems confirm border crossing violations in multiple locations. Warnings automatically sent to local defense headquarters and Moscow. Over 3.8 million Axis soldiers and thousands of military vehicles begin moving into Soviet territory.

    June 22nd, 1941 3:45 AM: In accordance with defense plan МОЛНИЯ, Soviet border guards begin their false retreat after putting up some symbolic resistance.

    June 22nd, 1941 5:30:23 AM:


    0622053023 LOG HISTORY START







    June 22nd, 1941 5:32-5:47 AM: Across almost 3,000km of land, hundreds of secret camouflaged coil stations received the remote command to raise their coils out of the underground bunkers. Powered via wireless transmission, these stations had redundant systems and could operate independently from eachother if necessary. However, that day nearly all of them performed flawlessly in defending our motherland.

    The last thing most German crewmen experienced was a faint buzzing followed by a blinding light. The many metallic surfaces inside their armored vehicles created plasmic arcs within the interiors, causing the steel tanks to turn to slag as they flash melted with their crews still inside. Most tank crews were never identified. Open topped half-tracks faired only slightly better as the soldiers' infantry equipment reacted with vehicle frame. Electric shock paralyzed them in their seats while their metal helmets melted down their face, red hot from the plasma. Truck drivers could get lucky depending on the model, some were kept safe by insulative interior covering and were able to escape outside, while others were forced to watch their hands fuse to metal steering wheel.

    Lufwaffe pilots suffered a nearly 100% death rate as planes in their aerial formations arced off eachother. Soviet soldiers on the ground reported seeing fantastic displays of light shooting across the sky in a brilliant array of colors as the fuselages fell to earth.

    The majority of the Wehrmacht was still foot and horsed powered, but even the leg infantry suffered severe casualties from the electric emission. Supply carts carrying ammunition and fuel drums simultaneously exploded across the 3000km front line, raining down a terrifying hail of metal shrapnel that could burn though man as fat as Göring like butter. Many infantry units suffered severe burns on their hands as they desperately removed their burning helmets and tore melted together clips of ammunition from their pockets. Some German soldiers reported seeing other soldiers' "potato masher" grenades spontaneously exploding while still on their belts, with predictable results.

    There are many reports of German officers combusting after their metals, most newly awarded after the French campaign, began melting and set their uniforms on fire. The Iron Cross, traditionally worn around the neck, was in the right position to cause catastrophic injuries to those unlucky enough to have one. The distinctive burn pattern across the face and head led to Soviet soldiers jokingly referring to this scar as the "Plasmatic Cross" and was used by the post-war German government to identify the corpses of some high officers as most identifying features, including teeth were completely destroyed.

    The collapse in cohesion and morale was instantaneous. Nazi soldiers fled in terror as lattices of plasmic arc began form across the battlefield. Where a minute ago there were tanks, now there were only huge piles of liquidifying metal. The surrounding temperature rose to almost 90°C in some areas. Soldiers covered in burns looked like they had staggered out of hell itself. Horses, seemly innately aware of the danger bucked their drivers and fled, tramping many fleeing soldiers in the process and refusing any attempts to bring them under control to assist in the rout. Wounded were often left to burn and their screams of agony were heard for miles around.

    Then suddenly... everything stopped. Except the screams.

    June 22nd, 1941 5:50AM: All clear signal transmits. The horror only lasted for 15 minutes, but that was enough to kill an estimated 800,000 Axis soldiers, and wound about 2.3 million. Soviet armored and motorized units began their counter offensive and capture over 1.7 million soldiers in the first few hours. While some scattered resistance remained, especially within the Berlin city center, this marked the end of the war. Riots across Germany would paralyze their leadership and lead to the collapse of their government in weeks. Hitler would be captured and paraded through Moscow in an electrically charged cage.

    • Multihedra [he/him]
      2 years ago

      For real. It gave me the idea to try and learn about the history of electrification in the Soviet Union though, which is probably pretty cool nonetheless

  • Lenin [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I tried twice, I wish Nikola would have listened.


  • Vampire [any]
    2 years ago

    Teslapunk USSR, that's an interesting timeline, I gotta visit some time

  • BowlingForDeez [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Lenin would have lived twenty more years attached to a series of Frankenstein like Tesla coils.

  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I love the weird smudge over the o in Some that made me have to move the window around to make sure my screen wasn't dirty v cool