I called someone out on the groupchat for saying that if communist orgs can hand out leaflets with Lenin on them he should be able to do nazi salutes in public. He claimed Lenin killed millions and said “ever heard of the holodomor genocide”. I talked about how the famines weren’t a genocide (and how he'd actually been dead for almost a decade before they happened) and later said radlib came in, claimed Lenin oppressed all the people of the USSR (but admitted he helped Ukraine), posted this video and left
For the radlib I would tactfully try to avoid the 1933 Ukraine famine without conceding your argument in the slightest. If they are of the opinion that Lenin "oppressed the whole USSR" then they are really misinformed. Tell them to look at the USSR before the revolution and after the fall of the USSR. The life expectancy, literacy, education rate, industrialization, etc. is massively better during the USSR than during the Tsardom and the RF. And of course you can mention how the combined west literally invaded the nascent USSR to help the Whites.
I think you mean the Empire
On christmas no less, the fuckers!