
Hm, these "Foundation of Economic Education" folks don't sound too bad...

The Foundation for Economic Education is listed as a partner organization of the Charles Koch Institute.[3]


To sum up the vid:

It's not actually communism, it's democratic participation in a cooperative, classless society with the goal of meeting each other's needs and contributing to the greater whole!


It's also not new! Early societies have done this and certain groups of people do it today!


I suppose the response to these kinds of bad faith arguments is "Cool, maybe it's not communism. So why are we not choosing this over Capitalism then?"

(Admittedly, I haven't watched the show so maybe he is right and Jackson is not really a Communist society, just not with the arguments he presented.)

  • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It would be easier to accept seeing rebels as bad, which of course a lot of the time they would be, if it wasnt always always leftists portrayed like that. Its such a trope.

    • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
      2 years ago

      ? How are they leftist? They don't say a singular nominal leftist thing, they obviously don't believe in any sort of restorative justice, they don't seem to care one bit about other people in general, there's not a single economic thought in their dialogues, they are opportunistic insurrectionists with a vaguely chuddy slant. If anything, it's alluded that there's some racist motivation playing into it, seeing as the militia is almost exclusively white, killing anything that moves in a urban environment (most notably, the Black side-characters we get to know a bit). Like, if you think those guys are just leftists portrayed in an unfavorable, anti-communist light, I think you've made one wall joke too many and you must read any sort of ressentiment-driven, retributive anti-establishment action as inherently revolutionary (and not just that, communist revolutionary, for some odd reason apparently), and like, no wonder we're having to talk about red-brown alliances these days. Driving around with the boys and killing people is not inherently communist, or leftist, and portraying this negatively is not anti-communist framing :warf-wtf:

      • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Thats my point, they arent, but everyone is so used to seeing left wing revolutionary groups portrayed this way that they jumped to the conclusion that they were. Those guys in the show are totally chuds.

        I think people just read it like that because we are so used to seeing "Im a bad rebel guy who thinks we need to kill rich people and redistribute wealth! Thats why as my first action I will personally drown all these babies" you know? Thats pretty common, look at the riddler in The Batman (sorry for capeshit just saying).

          • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
            2 years ago

            well I worded it badly anyways. Yeah, the dudes in the last of us episode are fascist (or at least adjacent). I think were it gets confusing is the fireflies are left coded, and theyre the big revolutionary group. I thought the chuds from episode 5 were going to be firefly aligned at first, I havent played the game.

            • AtomPunk [he/him]
              2 years ago

              I’m cosigning with your line of thinking. In the HBO after-episode talks with the showrunners, Mazin says that revolutions usually result in a change in leaders who end up being more brutal/ineffective than the previous regime. It’s such an Animal Farm-esque meme that’s usually ascribed to leftist revolutionaries that also argues for the status quo/big-brain centrism