On this day in 1848, the French February Revolution began when thousands of Parisians took to the streets to protest political suppression, leading to the founding of the Second Republic and establishment of labor reforms. Among the reforms the Second Republic passed were universal male suffrage and a guaranteed "right to work", provided by National Workshops which gave the unemployed with a source of income.

The protests of February 22nd were triggered by the banning of political banquets, legal means of criticizing the government and fundraising for political organizing. Incidentally, communist journalist Friedrich Engels was in Paris at the time and witnessed these banquets. After the ban, thousands flooded out onto the streets to protest against the "Citizen King" Louis Philippe and his chief minister François Pierre Guillaume Guizot.

Shouting "Down with Guizot" and "Long Live the Reform", the crowds marched past Guizot's residence and erected barricades in the streets of Paris, where fighting broke out between the citizens and the Parisian municipal guards. French troops shot into the crowd, killing at least fifty-two people.

In the next few days, Guizot resigned and King Philippe fled the country. By February 26th, the Second Republic had been formed, with poet Alphonse de Lamartine acting as a de facto dictator over France for the next three months.

The Second Republic's governance would be tested in the "June Days" uprising, which Karl Marx identified as a conflict between petite bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The revolting workers were crushed by force (with over 4,000 insurgents being deported to Algeria) and the Second Republic continued until elected President Louis Napoléon Bonaparte dissolved the parliament in a coup in 1851.

The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850 :marx-guns-blazing:

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  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Batman is easy. All of their other characters are really hard to do movies about. I would like them to hire me for a sweeping epic superman trilogy that spans Clark Kent's entire life that I have planned out already. It involves Golden Age landlord beating Superman, a bit of Red Son, a bit of All Star Superman and the middle movie is basically a remake of Superman 4 that people will love.

    Basically the big picture is normal origin story, he goes to metropolis during the Depression and sorta flies back and forth between there and the Kent farm after high school, he beats up landlord's and Klan members and ykmow sees injustices in America. Eventually ww2 hits and you know Superman isn't bout nazis and he enlists, he meets Stalin to find that his immense power was never used to aide the Russians and all thisnleads him to join the Soviet bloc for a bit. He still works as Clark Kent in America as well. So he kinda gets to see the cold war as it is from both sides as it develops and dude is an alien in the end so he's less caught between things ideologically but whether it's his place to get involved. Also after the war Lex Luthor is brought to America as his father was a scientist brought there through operation paperclip. He has the nietzch motives you expect and sees Superman's communist sympathies as an alien threat that a human individual must rise against, if God is dead we have to kill the new God sort deal. Superman starts taking a more distant and passive approach like Bender in that episode he had lil dudes living on him. Then the better version of Superman 4 comes in where maybe the Cuban missie crisis causes him to just collect all the nukes and yeet them to the sun. This gives ammo for lex in the press that the dude is just deciding what humans do and also with no deterrence the cold war heats up fast. He's now trying to stop proxy war after proxy war. Lex invents some kinda cancer gun that is used on Superman and he gets All Star Superman'd

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      I don't have this fully thought through but I'm talking giant giant giant budget and at least 3 hours per movie, most of.the action is just superman saving people I'm also absolutely NOT deconstructing Superman, I think he's a great character and it's fine to have a character who is just straight up a good guy with a shitload of powers and the tone is to be generally uplifting while being politically complex. It's a weird tone, but I've got it in my head really clear.

    • Wheaties [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      fuck, never thought I'd hear a Superman pitch I actually liked

      I'd watch the hell out that

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        1 year ago

        If you don't know the story of All Star Superman it's that he finds out he's dying and goes all fucking out to wrap up the loose ends. The big part is giving Luthor this speech that is for sure in the script.word for word:


        That's what the last movie hinges around entirely. All Star Superman has other bullshit. This is the end ofnthe trilogy

        • Wheaties [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          I didn't. Guess I have to read that someday. Was Red Sun any good? If it wasn't, were the brainworms at least funny?

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            1 year ago

            Red Sun is good but lib, has a kinda cool twist ending. All Star Superman goes pretty broad in the Superman mythos, I made an edit in my last post where I linked a scene from the animated version that would more or less sum up the themes of how I'd do it as a third part in this trilogy

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          1 year ago

          On this, Luthor is every tech billionaire rolled into one but at least semi competent