I'd actually be surprised if Chelsea was interested in running for political office, she's 42 and hasn't really attempted anything yet. Seems like a very late start.
I'm going to guess this has something to do with that girlboss show they did together awhile back. Which I have to assume, if only for my own sanity, that nobody watched.
Fuck me it is. Why are they doing this
They're trying to connect Hillary's public image to Chelsea so she can start running, I'd gather.
I'd actually be surprised if Chelsea was interested in running for political office, she's 42 and hasn't really attempted anything yet. Seems like a very late start.
She’s 42?? Weirdly I’ve just always thought of her as being eternally in her late 20s
Liz lifeforce actually transferred into Chelsea Clinton
She's always been pretty involved with the neoliberal idpol work of the Clinton Foundation which, in my eyes, was just an alternate path towards an eventual political career.
That's DORCTOR Chelsea Rodham Clinton to you.
I'm going to guess this has something to do with that girlboss show they did together awhile back. Which I have to assume, if only for my own sanity, that nobody watched.