Nobody is willing to even entertain the idea that West isn't Best. Suggesting that whitey shouldn't rule the world is received as if you'd advocated cannibalism, and you will be condescended to and treated like an ignorant child even as they make it clear they know much less than you do about the subject at hand, if not outright ejected from the community. It's not just bots and manufacturing consent, either - it happens to me in real life just as easily as it happens online.

Anyone who isn't unconditionally anti-NATO and anti-American hegemony is a white supremacist. No exceptions.

Love this place, though. I think I'd go crazy if it wasn't for you guys. Glad I have somewhere to get this off my chest :soviet-heart:

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    1 year ago

    You can bring up shit the cia has admitted to doing and has fucking Wikipedia pages about it and libs will still look at me like I'm the crazy one. How the fuck are you supposed to explain the cia faking vampire attacks in the Philippines to fight communism?

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Theory: the crazier CIA ops are ops to make people who talk about them appear insane.

      Ops all the way down.

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I 100% believe the true conspiracy is the psyop of pushing crazier shit to discredit the real shit. CIA actually tested airborne disease over the US? No its actually all contrails, they're really "Chem trails". No one can take the actual history seriously because so many of the people who believe it, also openly shout at condensation from their porch.