abolish private property and he said I guess not
does he know the difference between private property and personal property
We really need to use a different term for Marx's meaning of private property. The common meaning of the word is almost the opposite of what Marx meant in his writings. When people think of private property they think of "get off my private property" they don't think of an entire factory.
yeah a lot of people understandably want to like, have their own home, their own place, something that is theirs, and like I get that, but most people don't think of the problems that result in extending ownership of things to like, literally anything anywhere, so you have some dickhead 1000 miles away dictating how your town functions because he owns like, I don't know, the water supply or something
Exactly, people understand what "Personal Property" means but we need a term another term for all the stuff capitalists own. "Capital" is an obvious contender but is a bit vague, "Means of Production" is very similar and might work well "Productive Resources/Assets/Equipment" is a possibility. "Commercial Property" might also work.
The last time I caught up with someone from high school they said the local elementary school had a restraining order on him due to some custody dispute with his former partner.
The time before that with another guy the conversation immediately turned into a debate about whether covid was actually a serious disease/real and that vaccines were a government control conspiracy to take away our freedoms (?)
I'd say that's a solid win for you!
I was the only openly Marxist person I knew of in highschool. I feel like nobody remembers that lol. I'm mostly just glad no alt righters are stalking me for it.