• Beaver [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Had a lib tell me the USSR was worse than Nazis, the Red Army had no war strategy and just walked into bullets

    One of the biggest changes in my perspective towards WW2 was reading about the actual available manpower available to the Axis as compared to the Soviets - which is to say, close to parity (remember it wasn't just Germany attacking, it was also Italy, and Hungary, and Romania, and more), and then actually leaning towards an Axis advantage after tens of millions of Soviet citizens were locked behind the frontline of invading Axis armies. The Soviet victory against the combined armies of fascist central Europe was even more mindbogglingly impressive than than is typically thought - they fought with every disadvantage conceivable, and by the end of the war were fighting with more effective and advanced tactics, able to raise more manpower despite inconceivable losses, and were able to produce more war material with less people available at home (since so many were on the front). To trivialize it as some sort of inevitable result of throwing bodies at the enemy is to misunderstand how hard the Soviets kicked Nazi ass.