Not takes you agree with- just funny/odd/bizarre takes celebs come out with.

Couple come to mind:

-John Cleese being the average British celeb- a soft economic leftie on most issues except trans and cancel culture where he turns slobbering

-Chris Pratt rising to popularity with gentle dudebro comedy (which i stand by he’s great at) surprise! he’s basically a conservative- semi closeted until combo of Jesus freak and Insta post supporting LA mayor and homeless death camper Rick Caruso

  • cardi B being Bernie supporter always makes me laff

-supposed Lefties like Frances Mcdormand, Woody Harrelson being anti-Vaxx. Definitely ‘new age left’ vibe but so bizarre these people who prob don’t have social media still get caught up in covid misinfo.

-Jim Cavesiel (Jesus) being incredibly moronic and impressionable, now Q (great Qanon anonymous ep on it)

-Not confirmed but Twitter mentioned Coen Bros being ‘Cheeto in the White House Libs’ which is so fascinating. Perhaps growing up during 60’s your brain warps around once living through the Dems almost being an unembarrassing party to support

  • MerryChristmas [any]
    1 year ago

    I get why some of the older generations of leftists don't trust vaccines, to be honest. You don't get that old without having a few run-ins with the medical establishment, and seeing how poorly mismanaged the whole industry is up close and personal - especially as someone who is already primed to be suspicious of authority - is bound to have an impact. Add in a healthy dose of boomer brain and just enough historical literacy to recognize the way vaccines have been weaponized in the past... Idk, I could see myself turning out that way under those circumstances.

    • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Depends how old. There's less everyday, but if someone is +80 then they probably remember the horror of polio.

      But yeah, that's more silent generation. Boomers wouldn't remember.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Yeah my very very old grandma remembers the kids who were crippled by polio. She grew up dirt poor in rural South Dakota in a 1 room house. 9 kids. Alcoholic father. The Silent Generation saw some rough shit.

    • threshold [he/him]
      1 year ago

      yeah 100%- similar to that- a take I saw was that black people have more rights than others to be skeptical of gov mandated medical advice than anyone else.

      • MerryChristmas [any]
        1 year ago

        Oh totally, and I'd add that pretty much anyone who has ever been to prison has good reason to be paranoid about that stuff, too. I generally try to consider someone's experiences before writing them off as some conspiracy nut.

        The only ones who I don't get are the "vaccines cause autism" guys. Like, I fucking wish. Do you know how much cooler the world would be if all of you were as obsessed with fish as I am?