Florida continues it's increasing momentum into ever more unhinged fascist lawmaking.

The bill allows the state to remove children from their parents or other family members if they're "at risk" of being given access to trans or gender support services. This even applies if they're in another state.

So not only is the state able to kidnap children in Florida, but a chud without any legal custody over the their child who lives in another part of the country with a less shitty parent, could kidnap that child and bring them back to florida - legally.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The US federal government doesn't give a shit about trans people's lives but is there a chance of one state stepping on the toes of other states by encouraging people to do crime there and harbouring the fugitives something that would ruffle the feathers of the rules and norms liberals in Washington?

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I would guess yes, but only if it becomes widespread rather than a few incidents, and even then it'll be about the egos of federal agencies like the US Marshall's Service rather than any concern for at risk youth.