• Tachanka [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    or they oppose it with authoritarian measures and everyone sees them for the fascists that they are.

    ??? simply "seeing them for the fascists they are" doesn't mean anything. Simply noticing them does nothing. They have to be removed from power by force before they kill people. But there isn't enough backlash.

    But most of Amerikkka loves the cops, loves the troops, approved of the war on terror, etc. Amerikkkan culture is fascist culture, and most Amerikkkans are basically fascists. Fascism has always been the cultural hegemony in America. Even when Amerikkka "fought fascism" in WW2 it was doing damage control for a problem Amerikkka's bankers and industrialists created in the first place, since they funded Mussolini's and Hitler's rise to power. Even if every Republikkkan disappeared tomorrow, you'd still have the Demokkkratic fascists who, while they aren't gearing up to genocide LGBT the way the Republikkkans are they will gladly continue to drone strike children in the 3rd world and support crushing neoliberal austerity and deregulation that's killing people every single day.

    • MerryChristmas [any]
      1 year ago

      But most of Amerikkka loves the cops, loves the troops, approved of the war on terror, etc. Amerikkkan culture is fascist culture, and most Amerikkkans are basically fascists.

      I think this is just a hard concept for some people to accept. Yeah, your dad doesn't don a swastika or join a death squad but he's still probably a fascist.