Curious if anyone has bucket list items they actually plan on doing. I don't know if I do or if I just have fantasies of what I'd like to do someday.

I've always wanted a dramatic exit from somewhere. I want to blow up and quit a job, knock things off my desk, etc. I love the idea of being thrown out of an event after doing something wild, like ruining a wedding, but I don't think these count. I have no plans on actually doing them before I kick it.

  • TillieNeuen [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I keep saying that one of these days I'm going to go stay with my aunt for a week and learn how to quilt. I know I could learn it on youtube instead, but it would be way more fun to do it with her, and also now she's a widow and lonely so it would be good for her too. I gotta carve out that time somehow.

    • American_Badass [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Quilting is pretty cool. My wife does it quite a bit, and the process is always neat and creative. Quilt shows are also fun, and there is usually some juicy gossip surrounding social justice type quilts.

      All that to say, I think that's a cool goal.

      • TillieNeuen [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I usually think about it once a year when I go to my mom's hometown for the annual festival and go to the quilt show with my family, then immediately forget again. My aunt knows that I want her to teach me and would love a visit, so thanks for the reminder. Maybe I could make it work sometime this fall.

        • Kuori [she/her]
          1 year ago

          just gonna add another voice to the choir to say do it if you can! i'm sure it'd mean a lot to your aunt. plus i know from extensive experience with the older crowd that the loneliness really is killer

    • slugbait666 [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      That's awesome, I wish that I had learned to quilt from my grandma while she was alive. Quilts are great gifts and heirlooms, I still have the quilt that she made for me when I was born. I'm sure you visiting her would mean a lot to your aunt, not just because she'd get to spend time with you (which I'm sure would be meaningful in itself), but also because you'd be showing her that you value something that she's good at and cares about. Honestly, it's kind of silly, because I don't know either of you, but the thought of you visiting and learning from your aunt makes me happy. We treat older people in the U.S. so fucking callously and disrespectfully, which makes me really sad and angry, so it warms my heart to see younger people giving a shit about their older relatives.