• Dolores [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    They could have turned the fucker into Stalingrad

    them and what arms? how were a few parisian street militias with rifles going to stop a bunch of tanks & airplanes? they certainly could've tried and died & any dead nazi is commendable but lets not pretend there was any snatching of victory from the jaws of that defeat. the entire french army less the colonial component & bit fighting the italians was beaten--both too far away to defend paris.

    • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They still had over a million and a half soldiers in the field.

      They lost 90k.

      Do the math and wonder if they gave up to early. No city can be taken in less than a few weeks of fighting - France is the size of Texas. You could walk to Paris from nearly anywhere in the country in that long.

      Their government gave up so socialists wouldn’t take power and run the war. They should rightfully be tarred as Nazi collaborators.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        they were outnumbered 2:1 after the encirclement, with the lions share of artillery & tanks gone. and im sure soldiers' morale was tip-top at this point. the soviets did not fight on against odds through pure gumption, they had replaced all the soldiers and equipment lost in the first months by the time of the halting defenses (and remember they had well over the whole length of France overrun themselves). there was neither the time, space, or industry for an equivalent in France

        Their government gave up so socialists wouldn’t take power and run the war.

        oh my god not this again. the hardline leftists were in jail. the radical socialists (centre-left, ofc) & other limping remains of the Popular Front were literally the ones in charge and sacked/resigned through the poor persecution of the war. the more left wing socialists or communists (miraculously sprung from prisons in german-occupied territory) would not have been able to pull victory from their ass

        They should rightfully be tarred as Nazi collaborators

        i've got great news about the post-war political fate of petain