• UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I argue that's a false equivalence.

    Such fare existed, sure, but horny teenagers would have to wait for light night cable TV or go to grindhouse theaters and other seedy venues to find :awooga: :libertarian-alert: :hypersus: for the most part.

    It didn't have a P R E S T I G E label and as much clout, publicity, normalization, and above all else funding until around the turn of the century.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Isn’t that sorta just how media progresses over time though? Things that were “marginal” and “cult” slowly gain acceptance into the mainstream, become incorporated into it.

        Maybe, but as I previously said, it wasn't the exact same thing before. Things changed, became normalized, and after the Sopranos took off, the race was on to make the prestige lightning strike again and again in the same spots.

        Back on topic, as I said at the top of this comment chain, I'd like that kind of cinematographic effort to go into shows that weren't focused on :awooga: :libertarian-alert: :hypersus: as often.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I'll agree to that much: if there was more entertainment with a decent budget and high production values that wasn't focused on "sexual violence and gory torture scenes are automatically smart and mature" gimmicks, I'd just enjoy more of those shows and probably have less to say about the rest.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Or just have cool parents. Mine paid more attention to what I was getting out of what I watched. I watched hellraiser before I was 10 because I was super into special effect and sorta mid tier creepshow kinda gore stuff. But say, pro wrestling was looked down on and I didn't really disagree cause they thought it was maybe too trashy and stupid. It was the 90s and wrestling lost the camp aspect for thst time so I can follow. I was still allowed to watch whatever but shittier stuff got not supported and things with substance did regardless of the sex or gore as long as it wasn't like a Serbian film or porn or whatever. I also took a more active interest in film and by my early teens my parents went off my recommendations. They also played video games with me and for sure are bigger gamers than I am now thst they've retired. I think there's a bit too mu h focus on content and less thinking especially on the individual parent's part causenthey know their kids best or should to not focus so much on what content there is strictly but how it's done. I'd hate to lose my sex and blood in movies cause that shit can be really fucking fun and had a better childhood for having it growing up,

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        At an individual level that's fine, but not everyone has the privilege of "cool" parents and not everyone is wired the same way. Likewise, some comrades :flag-asexual-pride: both here and offline have expressed frustration with an excessively horny-pandering emphasis on so much contemporary entertainment and they also deserve to be heard.

        I've seen enough actual blood, gore, and death in my lived life where I don't derive much entertainment value from the gimmick. A good story can have that stuff in it but as a marketing pitch I'm indifferent to put off by it.

        Back on the subject of wiring, just because something is personally preferable and desired doesn't mean it automatically goes that way for everyone else. It can be kind of unpredictable, really.

        As a personal example, the movie Aliens was just a fun and exciting action movie with some bearable but grisly moments in it to me even at a very young age, but for some reason the the G'mork in Neverending Story gave me nightmares for years.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          2 years ago

          There's plenty of wholesome shmaltz out there if that's what you need. Otherwise what, we're supposed to make entertainment for adults but keep things rated pg? I'm not really sure what solution you would have here.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Otherwise what, we’re supposed to make entertainment for adults but keep things rated pg

            That's not the position I was taking but if you're going to conjure it up and put my name on it, I don't even know if we're having a discussion anymore.

            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
              2 years ago

              You gave a list of people who may not like certain entertainment for one reason or another. Aside from literally making everything family friendly in case an ace person might see a sex scene or whatever what would you suggest? These should either be adults or parents making informed decisions and since your own complaints seem to count the marketing of sex and violence as a problem as well, I'm not really sure what you want.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                2 years ago

                Aside from literally making everything family friendly

                I never asked for or even implied that was necessary. At most I was saying that more entertainment for people that don't have your specific demands and expectations would be a good thing.

                You seem to take it like it's all a zero sum game and you get less sexual violence and/or gore if more "schmaltz" as you put it comes out instead.

                I think I'm going to stop replying because judging by your posts in the megathread you're on an "adulting" warpath today as it is.

                • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                  2 years ago

                  I'm literally taking flamethrowers to anyone without a mortgage and a lawnmower.