• GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    1 year ago

    You gave a list of people who may not like certain entertainment for one reason or another. Aside from literally making everything family friendly in case an ace person might see a sex scene or whatever what would you suggest? These should either be adults or parents making informed decisions and since your own complaints seem to count the marketing of sex and violence as a problem as well, I'm not really sure what you want.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Aside from literally making everything family friendly

      I never asked for or even implied that was necessary. At most I was saying that more entertainment for people that don't have your specific demands and expectations would be a good thing.

      You seem to take it like it's all a zero sum game and you get less sexual violence and/or gore if more "schmaltz" as you put it comes out instead.

      I think I'm going to stop replying because judging by your posts in the megathread you're on an "adulting" warpath today as it is.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        1 year ago

        I'm literally taking flamethrowers to anyone without a mortgage and a lawnmower.