• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    Here's the problem. Google used to be good. Now it sucks. Microsoft tried to do Bing by building a rival AI capable of crawling the web and building a relational database better than Google's and failed. So now we've got Microsoft rebranding their Search Engine as a Chat AI and... It doesn't suck!

    I can look for things I had enormous trouble finding online previously and get the results I actually want. This is a good thing! I like good things! I'm going to probably use ChatGPT as a search engine going forward because it works better than Google or DuckDuckGo or whatever else. Do not try to stop me, because I like Search Engines That Return The Results I'm Actually Looking For.

    I just recognize that this is a term-limited experience. Eventually, ChatGPT will get slogged down by adware and bloatware and shitty SEO. And then it'll stop working properly.

    At that point, I'll have to either go back to Alta Vista or Yahoo or whatever else doesn't suck, or find a Sexy New Thing to use as a search engine.

    Sorry, haters. But that's the Brave New World we live in.