If, Buddha-willing, we get another shot at this shit and get the chance to try and enact a dictatorship of the proletariat, what do comrades here think we should actually do regarding prison systems, e.g. for political enemies? What do we think of reeducation camps? How should they be organised?

  • StalinForTime [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Yh they are different. The latter presupposes the former though, and I guess the former can entail the latter depending on what we mean by 'successful'. One potential issue and contradiction we might face is whether or not it is even feasible to have a revolution or a modicum of stabilization under a socialist democratic dictorship without a pretty extreme level of violence and coercion, in which case we need the military. In that event I'm afraid of repeating alot of the mistakes of the stalinist period.

    I'm suppose the petit boug proportion relies on what proportion are closer to middle-class working class as opposed to genuine petty petty boug, i.e. whose interests they take themselves align more with, and how many of the later go through genuine radicalization and heroic class betrayal (not a huge number). The military proportion is an question I really have no idea how to answer or judge your proportion you answer with. I'm not familiar enough with the sociology or material circumstances of military members as group.