Yes because we all can afford to move abroad and not try to improve material conditions. Also, not trying in first world countries will just give governments like the US and UK more leeway to oppress AES and third world countries. BE isn’t even apart of an org either.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    1 year ago

    He’s right, but for the wrong reasons, the US left won’t matter precisely until the security apparatus of western capital is overwhelmed by developments in the Third World, at which point the 17 security agencies and the corporate alliance that sustains it, begins to either breakdown or expand at such an unsustainable rate that it generates “nothing to lose” opposition in the west

    There's a reason why domestic counterinsurgency really kicked off when the US withdrew from Vietnam after getting owned too many times by the Viet Minh. By cutting their loses and tactically retreating, the US was able to more focus on crushing domestic unrest. The reverse is true. An empire that overextends or is caught up with inter-imperialist war loses their grip on their populace. The 1905 revolution happened at the same time as the Russo-Japanese war and the 1917 revolutions happened at the same time as World War I.

    To expect a socialist revolution to occur in a bourgeois state build from the ground up as a bourgeois state without a shred of noncapitalist history, be it feudal or socialist, and without help from the outside, be it socialist savior or imperialist rival, is complete madness.