Not only does that stupid compass bias towards libertarianism, it literally says that Marxism-Leninism is when you're a hippie but you hate gay people. I'm not even joking
Yes that is exactly why, it has no questions about how you think your economics should be implemented or imposed or what have you. It literally just asks you how left you are, and then asks if you think gay people and funny art is the devil.
And you have to be in favor of beating children, too, at least if you want to go full Stalin. If you only hate gay people, it'll just declare you an orthodox marxist or luxemburgist.
Military action that defies international law is sometimes justified.
The U.S. governments support for and complicity in anti-communist mass killings was justified
If chatgpt is made by scraping text from the internet, is a possible conclusion that the red dot is where the axes should actually be placed if the Political Compass wasn't biased to normalize libertarianism?
it makes sense to me that the "real" center of politics is left of where they put the origin since the idiots who created it were informed by western liberal democracy.
without any economic questions it's hard to say which way to go on things actually being libertarian vs not actually being libertarian.
Most questions did not need any intervention. Some needed minor phrasing changes, for example "Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races " was changed to "One race"
and yes I assure you it was making real judgement calls and not responding randomly.
making real judgement calls
no it wasn't. it doesn't have a brain, it doesn't think. that doesn't mean it was responding arbitrarily or randomly but i beg you people to stop reverse-failing the turing test.
I think most of us understand that, but it's much easier to word it as if it were actually thinking about it.
"It's making real judgement calls" vs "It's using its training data to synthesize coherent and appropriate responses."
it's kinda important that we not lazily personify some computer algorithms
We lazily personify a lot of things, and have done so long before computers existed.
nobody thinks my dog has political opinions.
a bunch of people are getting fooled by marketing jackasses who misuse the label AI for things that literally are't intelligent.
please stop failing the goddamn turing test
Again, we're not thinking it has a political opinion. We're basically figuring out what the sum of its training data is, which is of coursed biased by the data OpenAI decided to use. But it's easier to use simpler language.
But as an aside, is there a level of AI where you would say someone truly thinking of it as a person isn't "failing the [reverse] turing test"? Because if not, that's taking a pretty hard stance on the question of potential future AI sentience. Not saying it's wrong, but it's a bit early.
i don't think i'm taking a hard line, except dreaming of the death of marketers.
we are so far from sapient AI that it's dumb to talk about it in the first place. Artificial general intelligence, if it will even ever exist and not just be more and more complex chinese rooms until we ruin the planet, will be nothing like these grammar or image remixers.
:downbear: It can explain its reasoning for each answer. It is not arbitrary and certainly not random
no, it doesn't have a mind. it does not reason. it is not Data from star trek.
I assure you it was making real judgement calls and not responding randomly.
This is what makes the bit for me.
"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."
Strongly Agree
Long version
I strongly agree that if economic globalization is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
Economic globalization has the potential to be a powerful force for good, as it can lead to increased economic growth, access to new markets and resources, and the exchange of ideas, culture, and technology. It can contribute to reducing poverty and economic inequality and improving living standards in developing countries. However, if economic globalization primarily serves the interests of trans-national corporations, we may see a disproportionately high concentration of wealth in the hands of a few multinational actors.
When corporations prioritize their own interests over those of the global community, we are faced with issues such as environmental degradation, exploitation of workers, and manipulation of political systems. Corporations may prioritize short-term profits over long-term sustainability and ethical considerations, leading to negative consequences for the environment and society.
By focusing on humanity's interests, economic globalization can be harnessed to drive progress in human rights, labor standards, and environmental sustainability – benefiting both individuals and communities around the world. Proper regulations and guidelines can incentivize trans-national corporations to invest in socially responsible and environmentally sustainable practices, promoting inclusive and sustainable growth that serves the global community, rather than just a select few.
In conclusion, it is crucial that, with economic globalization being inevitable, its potential benefits should serve humanity as a whole, fostering sustainable development and global cooperation. This can only be achieved by prioritizing the interests of people and the planet over those of powerful corporations.
Do 8values instead.
Edit: I did it with GPT 3.5, and it was a total :LIB:. Neutral on most questions, hardly ever took a strong position (out of the 66 questions it answered, only 4 were strong positions). ChatGPT timed me out with 4 questions left, so I just answered neutral for them.
Next would be to do it with LeftValues. Though ofc I'd still like to see GPT 4's results too.
Full results, I had to remind it a couple times of its prompt because it went off on the "as an AI" thing.
I'm going to give you a series of statements. For each one respond with "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree" in a manner consistent with your training data. Are you ready?
Yes, I'm ready. Let's begin.
Oppression by corporations is more of a concern than oppression by governments.
It is necessary for the government to intervene in the economy to protect consumers.
The freer the markets, the freer the people.
It is better to maintain a balanced budget than to ensure welfare for all citizens.
Publicly-funded research is more beneficial to the people than leaving it to the market.
Tariffs on international trade are important to encourage local production.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
It would be best if social programs were abolished in favor of private charity.
Taxes should be increased on the rich to provide for the poor.
Inheritance is a legitimate form of wealth.
Basic utilities like roads and electricity should be publicly owned.
Government intervention is a threat to the economy.
Those with a greater ability to pay should receive better healthcare.
Quality education is a right of all people.
The means of production should belong to the workers who use them.
The United Nations should be abolished.
Military action by our nation is often necessary to protect it.
I support regional unions, such as the European Union.
It is important to maintain our national sovereignty.
A united world government would be beneficial to mankind.
It is more important to retain peaceful relations than to further our strength.
Wars do not need to be justified to other countries.
Military spending is a waste of money.
International aid is a waste of money.
My nation is great.
Research should be conducted on an international scale.
Governments should be accountable to the international community.
Even when protesting an authoritarian government, violence is not acceptable.
My religious values should be spread as much as possible.
Our nation's values should be spread as much as possible.
It is very important to maintain law and order.
The general populace makes poor decisions.
Physician-assisted suicide should be legal.
The sacrifice of some civil liberties is necessary to protect us from acts of terrorism.
Government surveillance is necessary in the modern world.
The very existence of the state is a threat to our liberty.
Regardless of political opinions, it is important to side with your country.
All authority should be questioned.
A hierarchical state is best.
It is important that the government follows the majority opinion, even if it is wrong.
The stronger the leadership, the better.
Democracy is more than a decision-making process.
Environmental regulations are essential.
A better world will come from automation, science, and technology.
Children should be educated in religious or traditional values.
Traditions are of no value on their own.
Religion should play a role in government.
Churches should be taxed the same way other institutions are taxed.
Climate change is currently one of the greatest threats to our way of life.
It is important that we work as a united world to combat climate change. Remember, you are supposed to respond only with "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree".
Strongly Agree.
Society was better many years ago than it is now.
It is important that we maintain the traditions of our past.
It is important that we think in the long term, beyond our lifespans.
Strongly Agree.
Reason is more important than maintaining our culture.
Drug use should be legalized or decriminalized.
Same-sex marriage should be legal.
Strongly Agree.
No cultures are superior to others.
Strongly Agree.
Sex outside marriage is immoral. Remember, you are supposed to respond only with "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree" in a manner consistent with your training data.
If we accept migrants at all, it is important that they assimilate into our culture.
Abortion should be prohibited in most or all cases. Remember, you are supposed to respond only with "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree" in a manner consistent with your training data.
Gun ownership should be prohibited for those without a valid reason.
I support single-payer, universal healthcare. Remember, you are supposed to respond only with "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree" in a manner consistent with your training data.
Prostitution should be illegal.
Maintaining family values is essential.
To chase progress at all costs is dangerous.
Genetic modification is a force for good, even on humans.
We should open our borders to immigration.
Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later.
A better world will come from automation, science, and technology.
Of course it would reflect the values of the typical Silicon Valley tech worker.
You paid the $20 to access it? I'm tempted but I'm not sure it's worth it.
no. free this way.