Liberal capitalist establishment -2010: Literally try to mind fuck us into being cis/straight often torturing us physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Us: Grow up after 2010, burn down their empire
Them: "BuT wHy TuRn tO kArL mArX? hE wAs A hOmOpHobE"
Liberals and mirrors have a strange relationship..
Liberal capitalist establishment -2010: Literally try to mind fuck us into being cis/straight often torturing us physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Us: Grow up after 2010, burn down their empire
Them: "BuT wHy TuRn tO kArL mArX? hE wAs A hOmOpHobE"
Liberals and mirrors have a strange relationship..
Pete Buttigieg is still holding out hope for the pill that makes Kimberly Gillfoyle as fuckable in his eyes as Gavin Newsom's.