• Bob [he/him,he/him]
    4 years ago

    yo i heard from my uncle's friend who works for the fbi that the cia knows that mao is like setting arabs on fire

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    America has a long history of ignoring climate change and policies that put the rest of the world at risk. Today we see that once again with the recent wildfires, in a little state called Oregon.

    Oregon isn't the site of the mass concentration camps in America, nor is it war-torn, America preferring to only bomb black neighborhoods [pic of black wall street bombing] or other countries to subvert them. But the decay of incompetent neoliberalism is still just as strong in the little backwater state.

    The state of Oregon has a background thats long flaunted human rights laws. it was originally founded to be a white-only state. Because of the underlying level of racism in the United States at that time period, no one objected. And now, that same state is using mass slavery via detention to fight the fires.

    [slideshow of giant fires]

    This situation didn't come over night. America's cruel disposition toward profit over people led to cuts in the firefighter crews, favoring slave labor for the work instead. And never far from the picture is the legacy of American Imperialism - the very helicopters that would be used to aid the fire fighters are currently in thr middle east. This sort of pattern is typical for America - but it gets worse.

    America failing to contain the COVID-19 outbreak is also at fault here. From the beginning they have lied to their own people, instead choosing to profit by selling off related stocks. After that, they refused to implement common sense epidemic spread practices like enforcing quarantines. But thats not the worst of it - through it all America has refused to care even for her own Citizens. refusing to hand out food or masks. The few dissenters in their government who begged for more were quickly silenced by the full authoritarian weight of the R/DNC. Since then, unemployment has risen drastically. over 200k deaths have been reported, and the government had been caught repeatedly trying to cover up and minimize the deaths.

    [pic of mass graves in New york]

    And COVID-19 didn't stop at the walls of the mass detention center. In fact, thats where the biggest outbreaks have been. Prisoners - who are almost always held unjustly or with little proof - have reported inhumane conditions. Many have not been given masks. Others are being placed in solitary simply for asking about the masks. There has been little to no prevention in terms of social distancing or early releases.

    In Portland, Oregon's largest city, the detainees have bore the brunt of the Authoritarian SS-esque police force's weapons. Not only are the police breaking their own laws by attacking press and using too much force, they are frequently misgendering trans people on purpose. One reported being called "it" and the cops laughing after she asked for a female guard to pat her down (she was refused.) Because the frequent protests against police violence in Portland are taking place outside the manipulativly named "Justice Center", the protesters who were illegally arrested (The right to protest is covered under the first ammendment, but America has never done more than pay lip service to this) are also getting constantly tear gassed [a weapon banned by the UN], as it seeps in from the outside. This is during a pandemic focusing on the respitory system, where there are no masks or social distancing measures in place.

    [slideshow of portland neighborhoods absolutely blanketed in tear gas, police brutality]

    Because of these brutal tactics to their own citizens, the slave prison labor capacity is decreased. And because of that, normal firefighting capacity is down. Yes. Oregon is burning because they heartlessly let too many of their slaves die, so they are scrambling to do their own work.

    [btw I live in Oregon and afaik all of that is 100% true, i even glossed over the prison hunger strikes, how the prisoners are having to evacuate bc of the hazardous smoke, and how they are in even more inhumane comditions now like only getting 2 meals a day and losing access to their medications]

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        If anyone wants to do that with what I wrote, go for it. Maybe edit it a bit first because I wrote it all my phone and there's a few typos ;)

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The Chinese Communist Party should reflect on their antihuman ideology and their failure towards the Chinese people to protect them from easily preventable Wildfires that need free market solutions

  • HarryLime [any]
    4 years ago

    The failure to use traditional controlled burning would be cast as a failure of communism and trampling on indigenous practices/rights

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
    4 years ago

    China mandates stringent evacuation orders. Once again their authoritarian ways threaten liberal human right values.

    2 weeks later:

    China contains all but one mega fire, with almost zero casualties.

    China bans Gender Reveals is this a communist conspiracy to abolish the binary Gender spectrum?

  • Capaedia [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    tbh just look at the annual salivating "all the dams will burst and hundreds of millions will die" posts