suggestion: solarpunk should be pushed as praxis propaganda

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    What happens when a society fucks up? (Look to Windward)

    What happens when the society faces a serious problem and factions develop? (Excession)

    What happens if two functional but very different Solarpunk societies meet (Say an ancom group building FALGSC with every piece of tech it can and a heavily Ecosocialist group with some primativist leanings?) (The Cassini Division)

    How does the society defend itself? Internally and Externally. (The Commonweal Series)

    The good old Outside Context Problem ("a wild Yog Sothoth appears, he wants to marry your leader") (Excession again)

    "The discontent" (Consider Phelbas)

    "Solarpunk goes on a space adventure" (too many to list)