Is this gaslighting or manifesting?

  • happybadger [he/him]
    1 year ago

    “I could work for a bit, then walk the dog or meet a friend for coffee, then continue working after,” she says. “I had this great office space in my house, too. As soon as I had finished work, I had the ability to fully relax.”

    “It creeped up on me how much I liked being in the office,” she says. “In the mornings, I'd be looking forward to seeing my colleagues and having a nice chat.” Bryan missed the camaraderie in a way she never would’ve predicted only a few months ago. “That social interaction and feel of being part of a collective is something I think people forget when they’ve not had it for ages.”

    When I worked from home I could only voluntarily meet coworkers I like for coffee without feeling like I'm in a panopticon. Now I can involuntarily meet all my coworkers and chat over bad coffee while my manager calculates how much time I waste.

    The demon who wrote this article should be sent back to hell for our protection.

    • egg1916 [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Bryan sounds like a fucking dweeb with no social life because all she cares about is work, no shit she felt lonely at home