seriously my friends tell me to watch a bunch of shows and so fuckin many of them are obnoxiously pervy right out the gate :stalin-stressed:

  • Icarium [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    People who say this clearly don’t watch anime, there are tons of good shows that don’t do this.

    • Dryad [she/her]
      1 year ago

      I watch a fair amount of anime and I still give most of my recommendations with the disclaimer "but there's some sexualization of underage characters you'll have to ignore"

      It's not an overblown issue

      • Icarium [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Watch better shows? It’s not hard to avoid if you simply don’t watch mainstream shonen trash.

        • Dryad [she/her]
          1 year ago

          It is hard to avoid even if you don't watch mainstream shonen trash. No need to get so weirdly hostile in defense of your treats. Separate your media interests from your sense of identity. A criticism of media you like is not an attack on you.

          • Icarium [comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            Idk what you’re on about tbh. It’s genuinely been a decade at least since I’ve seen a show with loli shit. I’m not being hostile, you are just projecting your own poor taste into everyone who watches anime. It says a lot about you that you think loli shit is common.

            • Dryad [she/her]
              1 year ago

              Even if you were right (you're not) the fact that practically all mainstream anime sexualizes children is still a problem worth talking about

              And the problem is that most sexualization of minors in anime these days isn't even considered "loli shit." Most of these shows are about high schoolers which are broadly sexualized in all media, not just anime.

              • Icarium [comrade/them]
                1 year ago

                I would push back, and say you’re wrong, on most anime sexualizes children. Again, if you think that’s true it says more about what you personally watch than anything else.

                • Dryad [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  say you’re wrong, on most anime sexualizes children

                  But you're the one who said that. You said it was "mainstream shonen trash" which sexualizes children. The fact that mainstream anime has this problem is in fact bad.

                  • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
                    1 year ago

                    Might I suggest that the two of you are having a disconnect on what counts as "Sexualization of minors" and what doesnt? Because I find that these discussions can get poisoned by that.

                    • Dryad [she/her]
                      1 year ago

                      It may be that they don't recognize sexualization of high school aged children as sexualization of minors, yes, I considered that. They would be wrong, though.

                      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
                        1 year ago

                        After trying to explain it a few times, Ive decided that I dont really want to get into it, sorry. It gets into stuff about perception of characters ages that gets some people really fucking upset (understandably, but still) and I dont want to make things worse.

              • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
                1 year ago

                Even if you were right (you’re not) the fact that practically all mainstream anime sexualizes children is still a problem worth talking about

                This comment is the embodiment of their OP. Nothing else needs to be said.

                Someone else posted a parody here which sounds appropriate "sexualization is when there are high school characters and the more high school characters there are the more sexualized it is".

                Also its even funnier considering the meme at the top. You can name 20-30-40 anime over the past decade and someone will still come and post "practicaly all anime" as if its even remotely true based on numbers alone.

            • JuneFall [none/use name]
              1 year ago

              I think you could listen more to other people's perspectives and judging from anime toplists it is a serious problem.

              That you found anime you don't find anything (serious) wrong with is good for you, but in the thread LotGH was recommended and that has a number of serious problems as well.

              If it is so easy I would like to give you the burden of proof though and give us up to a dozen of anime in which what you write is rare doesn't happen. If you can try to keep them somewhat popular.

      • ShareThatBread [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        I watch a fair amount of anime and I still give most of my recommendations with the disclaimer “but there’s some sexualization of underage characters you’ll have to ignore”


        • Dryad [she/her]
          1 year ago

          The weeb brigade is here to imply I'm a bad person for recognizing the rampant sexualization of minors in anime, great.

          • glimmer_twin [he/him]
            1 year ago

            As soon as I saw the ratio of this post I knew the weebs were here to defend their waifus

            In saying that I have watched plenty of good anime lol

          • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            Awesome to see going from "don't be defensive" to "oh god oh help me they are attacking me".

            It all started with someone simply saying "its easy to avoid just pick better stuff". That is a siberian winter take at best.

            You probably need to read more on this website. Many people posting in this thread already had a number of posts over the bad issues in anime elsewhere in the past. Stop making a strawman when literally nobody here denies anime has bad stuff in it. You are not in fact in r/anime.

            However you want a hill to die on, apparently everything is bad including the mainstream stuff(I'd say the mainstream stuff is actualy the most innofensive but anyway), sorry but its on you. You are allowed to have your opinion. Just don't expect others to agree.

            There is no discourse here, only someone looking for a hill to die on. Pick better stuff. I can make a MAL list if you want.

            • Dryad [she/her]
              1 year ago

              Awesome to see going from “don’t be defensive” to “oh god oh help me they are attacking me”.

              I'm not, I'm just a person.

              And they literally did attack me. That's what "stop telling on yourself" means. They are implying negative things about me in the very comment I replied to. I wasn't being vague, I was directly responding to the contents of the comment.

              Stop making a strawman

              A strawman is when you directly reply to the things other people are saying?

              However you want a hill to die on, apparently everything is bad including the mainstream stuff

              Again, I'm not even the one who said that. I was responding to someone who said that all the sexualization of minors takes place in "mainstream shonen trash." Not my words.

              • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
                1 year ago

                I’m not, I’m just a person.

                And they literally did attack me. That’s what “stop telling on yourself” means. They are implying negative things about me in the very comment I replied to. I wasn’t being vague, I was directly responding to the contents of the comment.

                Pretty sure it all started with this

                It is hard to avoid even if you don’t watch mainstream shonen trash. No need to get so weirdly hostile in defense of your treats. Separate your media interests from your sense of identity. A criticism of media you like is not an attack on you.

                Your strawman is

                I’m a bad person for recognizing the rampant sexualization of minors in anime

                You should know better, don't make these types of generalizations when people here are the exact opposite. You were rambling about the "weeb brigade" so not even one specific poster.

                • Dryad [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  Your strawman is

                  I’m a bad person for recognizing the rampant sexualization of minors in anime

                  No thats literally what the person in the comment I replied to was saying. They were implying that me seeing a lot of sexualization of minors in anime is evidence that I'm seeking it out and am a bad person. Again, that's what they meant by "stop telling on yourself."

                  You were rambling about the “weeb brigade” so not even one specific poster.

                  It was two specific posters (and the :libertarian-approaching: s upvoting them)

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah for real. Either people are only watching the shit that creepy weebs are pushing or they think that sexualization of minors is when minors exist and the more minors there are the more sexualized they are.

      • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        You don't have to hand it to them but even in r/anime some of the shit is controversial e.g Made in abyss. There is definitely also some hopelessly outdated notion that weebs are still 2000's nerd with glass type people that are constantly obsessed with porn.

        Your 12yo sister that watched Demon slayer would be considered a "weeb".

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Oh yeah don't get me wrong, there's some really fucked up shit in the anime medium. The problem is that most Western discourse about anime treats it like one coherent body of work when it's really just a medium.

          Everyone can understand that My Little Pony and Rick and Morty aren't the same kind of media, or that the latest family friendly Marvel movie isn't the same as Cannibal Holocaust, so I think people need to put more effort into not always lumping all anime together.

          Also, I think the definition of Weeb has changed a lot. Same as how Star Wars and comic book movies used to be "nerd shit" not too long ago, Anime has gone mainstream.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            1 year ago

            The fact that there are anime fans when it isn't a genre may speak more about anime fans.

          • Barabas [he/him]
            1 year ago

            One of the most normie gym bro I've worked with has a full back tattoo of Ashoka Tano and owned a storm trooper armour. And he is a father of two pushing 40. The way that it has become normalised is kind of nuts.

          • Icarium [comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            Oh, I can see how I came off like that. Sorry. My intent was to say that people who only watch normie shit (normie by anime standards) say this. If you watch actually good stuff the issue is not present. Ignore what r/anime watchers recommend and you’d have no clue loli shit exists. Saying anime is all noncery is just redditors outing themselves.

            • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
              1 year ago

              normie shit (normie by anime standards)

              Normie anime shit by Japanese standards is basically all the shit that they used to show on Westoid TV anyway. If you look up movie box office charts for anime films the top 10 is almost always full of the latest Pokémon, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Doraemon, etc film.

              By the standards of most of Japanese society, being into the shows that westoid anime weebs are into would mark someone as a weird Otaku.

              • Mardoniush [she/her]
                1 year ago

                Even outside that in adult anime. Gundam Wing, the old Hellsing series etc I can't recall too much wierd shit. Heero and Relena have wierd vibes but they're supposed to have wierd vibes.

                • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Just off the top of my head for popular anime last year we had Spy x Family, Lycoris Recoil, and Gundam: Witch from Mercury.

                  • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
                    1 year ago

                    Lycoris had the whole pantsu episode my comrade. It may be cute but it's not what these folks be talking about.

                    WfM is definitely possible, but considering Gundam history I'd suggest holding off until we're all done. The high school age kids in Gundam are always gonna be killing and fucking, it's part of the series theme of loss of innocence after all. Kira Yamato fucking the racist girl, etc.

                    I think Spy actually avoids sexualizing any minors though, which really is great.

                    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      Lycoris had the whole pantsu episode my comrade. It may be cute but it’s not what these folks be talking about.

                      I had forgotten about that one in all honesty. I don't really recall anything sexual about it since iirc they don't show anything and the whole thing is a gag about how the audience expectations rather than anything sexual. To me it obviously wasn't supposed to tittilate but I suppose someone could take it that way.

                      But that being said, just because someone could hypothetically wank off to a nude Greek statue or Renaissance painting doesn't mean that those works are inherently sexual in nature. I think there's a sort of hypervigilence and double standard when it comes to westerners looking at anime. The panties gag in Lycoris is sexual but the Simpsons had been doing gags about Bart's underwear for decades. Any anime that goes to the beach is "fan service" even though Avatar the Last Airbender also had beach episodes and I've never heard of anyone accusing it of sexualizing minors.

                      In conclusion: idk, I'm not smart enough to be a media critic.