Here’s a side-by-side in case anyone else was wondering

  • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The RE remakes is actually one instance where I think the remake transcends what the original was about. Yes, you can kick me in the shins for saying that vidya good.

    Most remakes end at just updating the graphics, but for the 3 Resident Evil remakes so far, they've actually completely reworked the games from the ground up. In the first remake (RE2) for example they added an enemy that follows you around everywhere you go, and I think they changed some stuff in how you progress, so that shortcuts from the old game wouldn't work. And of course they did technical stuff behind the scenes too, which ultimately only "loosely" makes them remakes. Like yeah overall it's the same story and characters but pretty much everything else is different.

    Although there is already a sizeable difference between the old RE2 and the new RE2, and it's the gameplay. You used to progress in fixed-camera scenes and now they've reworked them more like RE7 and RE8 where you have an over-the-shoulder camera. This already fundamentally changes the game, and the tension is entirely different in the RE2 remake vs. the original.

    I guess with RE4 it's less visible (I'm waiting for the crack to come out before I give it a shot) because the original came out on the PS2 which isn't that old and was also full 3d, over-the-shoulder camera. The first game in the franchise to do that in fact.

    Tbh I'm kinda glad to see a good resurgence of resident evil. RE5 and 6 were really bad, and I was worried it might spell the end of the longest (and oldest?) survival horror franchise. RE7 came back in full force and it was just amazing, a masterclass in how to do a good horror game.

    RE 1 and Code Veronica were the games I watched the older kids play as a kid because I was too scared, it's kinda nostalgic in a way. Except we never got far so I never got to see how fucking bonkers they always turn out to be by the end lol

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Mr X was in the PS1 resident evil 2, but he didn't follow you around so much as he'd appear at random moments. You could also more easily stun him.

      longest (and oldest?) survival horror franchise.

      It probably is the longest horror franchise with the most games in it. Oldest would probably be Alone in the Dark though, its first game released 4 years before Resident Evil 1 and was a similar style, fixed camera angles and tank controls. The first Clock Tower game also released a year before RE1.

      RE1 was also largely inspired by a 1989 Famicom game, Sweet Home.

      • Vncredleader [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The term "survival horror" legit comes from the original game. The screen/option from the first game and its remake literally says it "Enter the survival horror"

    • yune [comrade/them, any]
      1 year ago

      I still think RE5 & 6 get too much flack tbh. yeah theyre not very good horror games, but theyre incredibly fun co-op action shlock. RE6 couch co-op with a friend of mine years ago was a blast (even if the multiplayer camera positioning was/is weird af).

      • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I played so much RE5 and Mercenaries mode it was insane. I tried playing RE5 again on PC this year because Humble Bundle had a sale and I wanted to claw my eyes out because I lost all muscle memory for the batshit controls

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      1 year ago

      RE5 was decent as a co-op action game in an RE game's skin. Which actually makes me curious which route they'd take with it for a remake.

      On one hand, I think it would be cool if they go back to the original concept of "making the player fear the light as much as the dark". On the other, there are people who legitimately liked the game for what it was.

      • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I doubt they'll ever remake RE5 because of the controversy it was in at the time of release. Which I didn't follow through too much so I'm not exactly sure what it was about, but you gotta admit a white guy going to Africa to kill zombies...

        • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
          1 year ago

          This guy had appeared in other RE games in other locations before so I wasn't sure why it became controversial

        • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
          1 year ago

          Simply make Sheva the main protag and relegate Chris to a Carlos-esque role. Duh fivehead.


          (Yes, I’m a bit miffed she hasn’t been in anything since RE5 how could you tell)