CBC article https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-court-of-appeal-mk-ultra-1.6796756

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Apparently so, though the timelines seem a bit muddled.

    Jolly West(That guy) apparently only met him after he was sentenced to death for the Oswald assassination, but during the trial and before the sentencing, a separate psychiatrist with no obvious CIA connections testified that he believed that Ruby shot Oswald while in a psychotic episode, and predicted that he could become "flagrantly psychotic."

    Though this being a guy called by the defense, its possible he was bullshitting(also he was asked, by the defense, if Jack Ruby was a "latent homosexual" and basically answered "maybe, but thats not important to the trial".)

    Im trying to read a bit more on exactly how long Ruby was in contact with Jolly West and how long they were isolated for, for as good as the CIA became at fucking people up idk if they would have just a single syringe to instantly trigger insanity in someone, for example.

    Edit: Its not that easy to find much original documentation of the time.

    This website at least appears to have the version of the story that Jolly West told, which is he arrived to a Jack Ruby that had severely deteriorated in the span of a couple of weeks, and who had started self harming before he even arrived.

    In an ideal world there would be documentation from the jail or the psychs that invited West to cross check this with, but apparently that either doesnt exist or isnt uploaded.

    This is the story that the literal CIA brain-fuck doctor wrote up, so obviously be critical about it, but its at least a primary source to read.

    Here is also the NYT reporting on the separate psych testifying a month an a half earlier about Ruby having experienced temporary psychosis, and being in danger of deteroriating.

    Edit 2: Actually, I found a PDF of a newspaper article that has the sheriff tell the story of Ruby ramming his head into the wall before the arrival of Jolly West, as well as ripping his clothing into strips, potentially for a noose.

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      2 years ago

      Summary: A psychiatrist testifying for the defense claimed Jack Ruby was seriously unstable, had shot Oswald while in a psychotic episode, and could potentially deterioriate further if put under stress like being called as a witness. Jack Ruby would then be sentenced to death after this.

      Roughly a month afterwards CIA and MKUltra connected psychiatrist Jolly West is called in to examine Ruby again as part of his appeal, Ruby has reportedly both tried to smash his head into the wall and to tear his clothes into materials for a noose on the morning before West arrives to examine him. This is reported both in Wests account and local papers.

      West states in his own documents that he suggests hypnosis and sodium penthothal as part of interrogating him about the murder, but apparently abandons or fails to mention ever attempting that after seeing the state of Ruby, who is supposedly openly ranting that the US government is conducting pogroms against Jews as retaliation for his involvement, and claims to have seen his own brother immolated outside of jail, as well as hearing jews being tortured in adjacent rooms or on floors below him.

      This doesnt seem to have been reported elsewhere, with West refusing to share any of these findings when asked by the same paper that reported Rubys self harm attempt, the document was apparently notarized on the same day but I frankly just dont know enough about the process of notarization to judge how legitimizing that is.

      Jack Ruby would later repeat his belief that Jewish people were being exterminated in the US to the Warren commission.

      So idk, there seems to be evidence suggesting he was legitimately in a bad mental state before being visited by a literal MKUltra doctor, but on the other hand he was visited by a literal MKUltra doctor, who is the first to report that he was having large scale delusions and hallucinations.