I’m so glad that covid was brought under control during the general election, it just wasn’t safe to do mail-in ballots during the primary like we did in the general. I’m so happy I was in one of the few states that even had the primary before they canceled it where I had the honor and privilege to vote for joe biden, the most virile and lucid man in history, a perfect antithesis to the demon in human form who’s name I cannot say without bringing about 12 plagues on the tribe of israel.

  • DoubleShot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    They didn't cancel them out of Covid concerns. They told Bernie if he didn't give up they would allow the primaries to go on and blame him for the deaths. When he relented, THEN they canceled the primaries.

  • NeelixBiederman [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I remember the weekend before super Tuesday, all the Biden offices in California being empty and padlocked. The fix is in, take the day off

    • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
      1 year ago

      I remember that weekend too. I was tabling with a Bernie campaign staffer, and I looked at my phone to see that Pete and Klob had dropped out. She asked me if :warren-snake-green: has as well, and when I said no she just got this expression like she clearly knew it was all over.

  • chauncey [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Remember when the media said that since Biden won the South Carolina primaries he was destined to be the dem nominee?

    Remember when South Carolina got called for trump with like 2% of polling places reporting?

    • Sickos [they/them, it/its]
      1 year ago

      That argument was INFURIATING in real time. At least it purged the remaining electoralism brainworms from my head.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Boy howdy do I love living in a state that didn't even get to vote until it was already a done deal :yea:

  • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    As a foreigner with little skin in the game:

    This was the moment I learned that Bernard is a coward who should never be President.

    Terrorists Democrats: "If you keep going, we're going to try to kill a bunch of Americans! And we'll also do that if you don't!"

    Sanders: "Aw jeez, aw heck, I should fold immediately. They're gonna blame their victims on me! They'll still be dead, but my hands can be clean now!"

    • nabana [they/them]
      1 year ago

      It wasn't this moment /precisely/ for me but it was definitely part of an arc of 'Lenin-back-to-me-meme' embracing and becoming extremely comfortable with the complete abandonment of compromise socdems and journey into actually picking the fuck up and reading real theory.

      Every single day of that primary moved me more towards full tankie than I ever considered possible the day previous. Not that I consider myself a tankie now really.. though? I dunno. Not because I moved and way shape or form back towards my old positions, I just think the term is culture war bullshit and any serious communist who DOESN'T :yes-chad: when called a tankie is just doing anti-communists work for them.

      They're going to brand you anyway. Might as well confuse half the onlookers and make them want to know more by just openly embracing and being comfortable with it and making them go on unhinged rants about obviously made up shit you can mock because you didn't immediately retreat.

      I don't know what my point was... Oh yeah, Bernie was the last compromise I will ever make. My vote demands at the extreme minimum a public declaration of being a blatant out and proud COMMunist, not socialist, not leftist, COMMUNIST. Anything less than that and I assume we're just grifting. The ship has sailed anyway. Might as well go out who you are as the empire burns.