Absolute cum stain of a film, ruined an already brutally stupid premise set up by TFA. Eat my whole ass hexbear, I’m not going to hitch my ride to this shit because it tripped half way into making a good point with some vaguely sucdem rhetoric.

Just trash all around, its sequel was king trash only because this bullshit laid the groundwork for trash. A fucking structural engineer had to design a solid trash foundation for that steaming pile of shit ROS. Most boring movie I’ve seen in theaters. 3+ hours of diahrrea o stg if i see another post praising this movie I’m going to eat my shit. Shape the fuck up, this movie sucks.

  • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I think those themes certainly ring true in the show, I just worry that the future will be vaguely materialist epic stories of rebellion broadcast on demand to placate us while we're locked in Amazon shipping containers on a poisoned world and forced to remote control helium-2 mining drones on Venus for 16 hours a day under threat of being shot to death by patrolling Boston Dynamics robots if we ever leave.

    That said I've spent the last few months in an unbearable and unshakeable melancholy that annoys everyone around me (including me) so maybe I'm talking out of my arse idk.

    • Esoteir [he/him]
      1 year ago

      ahh I get you now, Cyberpunk Realism is a hard feeling to kick

      yeah I completely get it, but at the very least I don't think rebellion media is a unique or new horror and I don't think it placates more than any other form of media does, the contradictions will ensure that anti-cybercorp aktion will arise no matter how many anarchists forest whitaker portrays

      • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, you're totally right, I suppose Capitalism will chug along regardless of whether the media is based or not, just bizarrely it sometimes feels extra dystopian when the slop you're watching is making good points, y'know?