Over the past several months, I have seriously thought about the fact that I may be a transgender woman. I have told some people close to me. Some of them I know through left-wing causes/DSA and others are close. I have not told anybody in my family, even though I think they would support me.

Of course, as you likely know, there has been a renewed movement against queer people from the right over the past year or so, not that things were great from them before hand.

I admit, I have worn women's clothing in private and liked it very much. However, I also admit that I have yet to do it publicly. I just feel like I'm waiting for the right opportunity.

  • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
    1 year ago

    It's great that you've gotten to the point where you can write this, and where you've told some friends about how you're feeling. Working out something like your gender identity is really hard, and there are lots of people who never manage it, but go through life knowing something is wrong without ever being able to put a name to, or fix, it.

    You should know that a lot of the sort of mainstream or ambient advice on what you should do when you're trans is shit. There's know one way to do things, and trying to follow someone else's script won't work. In particular, a lot of online queer communities have a big liberal American middle class bias. Like the other day I saw comments telling some trans guy from Jordan that he should go see a gender therapist. I don't know much about Jordan, but I'm pretty sure they don't have those there. (Btw if you decide you want to see a gender therapist, try to find one who's also trans. The cis ones are completely useless. This is a hill I will die on).

    Presenting female in public in fucking terrifying at first. However, it's not actually some sort of magical step you have to take before you do anything else. There's no reason why you can't do things like take hrt, train your voice, get rid of facial hair, try out new hair styles, without having done that. Also, there's not necessarily a binary presenting male vs presenting female so much as there's many different ways to change how you're perceived. Easing into things with a little androgyny is completely reasonable.