some great stuff here, but this one is my favorite:

As a Canadian, I sympathize with Americans in this thread who may feel resentful. But pro-tip guys — if you want to understand why Germans feel this way, don’t downvote the Germans telling you why they feel this way.

[in reply] They're being downvoted because their reasons are bullshit and ignorant exceptionalist propaganda. Theyre also coming across as ungrateful dependent children, especially given the current circumstances that the US is currently ONCE AGAIN taking responsibility for a war on their continent that they caused. Admittedly, they caused it indirectly this time, through irresponsibly linking their energy economy inextricably to a rogue, imperialist petrostate, rather than through the genocide that's their usual schtick.


  • Dryad [she/her]
    1 year ago

    My favorite part is French and German people agreeing on every point except Germans also hate the US