some great stuff here, but this one is my favorite:

As a Canadian, I sympathize with Americans in this thread who may feel resentful. But pro-tip guys — if you want to understand why Germans feel this way, don’t downvote the Germans telling you why they feel this way.

[in reply] They're being downvoted because their reasons are bullshit and ignorant exceptionalist propaganda. Theyre also coming across as ungrateful dependent children, especially given the current circumstances that the US is currently ONCE AGAIN taking responsibility for a war on their continent that they caused. Admittedly, they caused it indirectly this time, through irresponsibly linking their energy economy inextricably to a rogue, imperialist petrostate, rather than through the genocide that's their usual schtick.


  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'm not even willing to defend my own country. If we're not planning on flying a red flag at the end of the war, I'm fragging my CO and getting the fuck out.

  • GrafZahl [he/him]
    1 year ago

    A 2 month media campaign could flip any of these results

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Theyre also coming across as ungrateful dependent children

    lmao seethe yankee, seethe

  • AlkaliMarxist
    1 year ago

    This is like the Mafia complaining that they offer everyone protection, but no shopkeepers are offering them protection.

  • Soot [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Christ, Americans on that thread really think their country is God's gift to Earth and we should all prostrate ourselves in worship.

    • familiar [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The ones not on that thread think the same thing. Loosely related, but it's so funny watching even "progressive" Americans leap to the defense of Democrats at the slightest criticism. Just total denial that they completely lack any moral high ground as it relates to their politics and their nationality.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Rather than imagining the gammons supporting the defence Romania, imagine them supporting a war against a non-western enemy who doesn't play along with rules-based imperialist order that happens to take place in or near Romania.

  • DoubleShot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Anyone outside the US who would "defend" the US is a pathetic simp, full stop. I live here and would never defend this evil country against anyone.

    Also, a total aside from the main point, but I saw this comment in that thread:

    I did an exchange trip in Germany recently. The public perception of the U.S. is pretty negative. Particularly regarding shootings. One student who I had never met asked me as a joke, "is it true that 50% of Americans believe the earth is flat?" and a bunch of people laughed.

    I mean... something like 40% of the country believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old and evolution isn't real - which is essentially the same as believing in a flat earth - so that German student isn't too far off.

    • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
      1 year ago

      meets an american in europe

      "Ah, a school shooting survivor! Welcome welcome. Your customary McDonalds is right around the corner where you can get a "Big Mac" your land's most famous cuisine."

      that american on reddit later

      :frothingfash: :frothingfash: :frothingfash:

    • StellarTabi [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      OK tbf it was flat 10,000 years ago, sure it's mostly oblate spheroidal now, but in another 10,000 years it'll probably be double arches.

  • GaveUp [love/loves]
    1 year ago

    Question is whack, should be "Would you be willing to be deployed in a war against Russia if they invaded x country"

  • Dryad [she/her]
    1 year ago

    My favorite part is French and German people agreeing on every point except Germans also hate the US

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I did an exchange trip in Germany recently. The public perception of the U.S. is pretty negative. Particularly regarding shootings. One student who I had never met asked me as a joke, "is it true that 50% of Americans believe the earth is flat?" and a bunch of people laughed.

    The response:

    Why do the internal challenges of a country matter if the question is "would you defend them?" Do Germans think America would be a better place if Russia attacked us?

    For a country constantly attacking other countries over perceived human rights violations, this is pretty rich.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Sadly, given the support for Ukraine, this seems incorrect.

    Also lmao based Germans :amerikkka: indeed.

  • constellation [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Smart people have been saying for a long time that the sooner we stop spending money on a massive military to maintain our global hegemony the better. I had hoped Obama would be the one to do it but he couldn't make it happen, he was too worried about something bad happening on his watch and not getting re-elected.

    The goal is to no longer be a global hegemony, not to maintain it through other means. Every global hegemony has lost its status eventually by ignoring the welfare of their own population to maintain its military power. Some outright collapse (Rome) and others fade from power gracefully and start spending their wealth on their citizens (UK).

    A lot of hate Europeans have for the US is not only a product of their ignorance of their dependence on the US, it's also because of their dependence on the US. Europeans take the US for granted and many of those that are aware of their dependence on the US still hate the US because playing second fiddle to the US stings their pride.

    • Soot [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      The UK is fading from power gracefully? They're having a neo-fascist epileptic seizure who doesn't want any international friends because they won't admit how great and definitely an empire the UK still is.

    • NeelixBiederman [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I'm assuming this is a copypaste of a reddit post; it oozes reddit. The hyperlinks and bullet points laid out to establish the poster as The Adult in the Room to us plebians, but through blind patriotic arrogance, entirely misses that Europeans resent America for it's warmongering, it's ambivalence to the UN, and expectation of all NATO nations to play ball in America's wars (on their continent) while their own material conditions get worse

      • constellation [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Maybe it's my Reddit brain that hasn't fully recovered.

        Europeans resent America for it’s warmongering

        Oh come on, they've resented us for decades. Ever since the adults in the room stopped them from being fascists like they really wanted. They've never forgiven us for "saving" them from Naziism.

        while their own material conditions get worse

        Europeans have fantastic material conditions. They can afford to spend generously on a welfare state because America subsidizes them. And why the fuck do we give ten or eleven figures every year to wealthy first-world nations?

        We need to grant their requests and pull our troops out of there. Stop the occupation, it's been 80 years already, when were we planning on leaving? NATO was intended as a defensive alliance. Last three NATO wars were the offensive invasion of Afghanistan, offensive invasion of Libya and the proxy war in Ukraine. All unmitigated disasters. All we get in return is condescension from the intellectuals and commercial exploitation by the competitors that the "global order" has created.

        • Tommasi [she/her]
          1 year ago

          NATO was intended as a defensive alliance

          NATO being defensive has never been anything but propaganda. It was explicitly founded to combat socialist influence in Europe. It has always been about securing the interests of imperialist capitalist. What it does today is the same shit it has always done.

          They’ve never forgiven us for “saving” them from Naziism.

          Giving the US credit for saving Europe from naziism is kinda weird. By far the biggest contributor to allied victory in WWII were the Soviets and the Red Army.

        • Farman [any]
          1 year ago

          Who is going to invade europe if amerca stops "subsidizing" them? Countries like iran spend a smaller percentage of theur economy in their military than your average europen nation. And they are contantly under threat. I would argue it is actually the europeans proping up the american military industry.