I'm having a difficult time processing the magnitude of what this would entail if what is outlined below takes place. I am now wondering if I am going to be able to visit my family again before shit hits the fan--I'm on the east coast and they're on the west coast. By the time it's safe to fly in terms of COVID risk, we could be well on our way to actual collapse.

I've transcribed the tweet thread:

Before December 1, #Trump will declare himself winner of the November election, and order all states to cease counting votes. The "results" of the election will before then have been deliberately delayed or muddled, if not fixed by Republican governors.

And yes, that will be the end of national elections for executive office in America. The world will understand that America is now an outright fascist nation, with no moral authority anywhere.

What happens after that will be a lawless regime. Courts and process ignored. If you think "police brutality" is bad now (it is), after December 1 it will get more worse than most Americans can imagine. People by the hundreds, and then thousands, will be abducted, tortured and killed by police without warrant or cause.

In the long term, the entire process of elections at the state and local level will also break down. Power will simply be taken, and held if it can be. Violence in the streets will be common. Mostly by the "authorities."

All this is an outcome, believe it or not, of the elaboration of the circulation of commodities, which I identified elsewhere as having several steps beyond what Marx and Lenin discovered. That is, the M-M circuit evolves into P-P, which are power exchanges, including kinetic.

This circuit can only be broken by working class resistance. Unfortunately, among the developed nations, the United States has the lowest level of working class development; little or no persistent experience of working class power, and the necessity of that power.

The United States will cease to exist as an functioning entity not long after these developments. Fascist power groupings will claim exclusive sovereignty over segments of North America, and no longer give any heed but that convenient to them to "orders" from D.C.

In the absence of the United States as an Imperial Power, world "order" such as it is, will devolve into regional hegemons. World trade will become very constrained, and mass famines are the likely result of this, since interdependency has been the hallmark of the system to date.

I don't have redeeming prognostications beyond this. Exogenous phenomena, such as climate forcing, will cause further difficulties to the point that regions will become effectively isolated from one another as they haven't been since the Middle Ages, politically and economically.

In a little noticed and retweeted tweet I made several months ago, I said the final act of the American Republic, months or decades from now, will be yet another Benghazi hearing.

I wasn't kidding

Obviously, I hope I am entirely wrong about all this.

But I wouldn't have tweeted it if I thought I was.