I don't mean Data, Lore, or other android variants. That's a separate problem.

I'm talking about the (yes, there's some irony to this I know I know) eugenics fixation with having Dr. Soongs in almost every post-TNG show, all of course looking eerily alike no matter what generation they're from, and how they're all geniuses and none of them are failsons riding the glory and riches of their predecessors.

I know Trek has :LIB: coding to its core, but come on. :data-laughing:

  • keatsta [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Oh I thought you were going in a different meta level to this... I thought you were complaining that Trek went from a franchise where they would swap out the entire cast because the strength of the show was in its ideas, to a zombie franchise where they just endlessly dredge up the same characters and actors over and over and over again, as if it was those specific Great Men that made the earlier stuff so good.

    It feels silly to complain about this since it's been like this since the JJ Abrams 2009 film and debatably even earlier, and they do still make some series with new crews, but it really bugs me. Picard was an excellent character but I'm not excited to just see Picard again, or any number of those actors/characters. What I want is more episodes written like TNG was written, and the very idea of regurgitating Picard back up when his story already ended so nicely is something the TNG writers wouldn't do.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I thought you were complaining that Trek went from a franchise where they would swap out the entire cast because the strength of the show was in its ideas, to a zombie franchise where they just endlessly dredge up the same characters and actors over and over and over again.

      I'd prefer that but that ship has sailed. :sadness: