The year is 2123, the earth is undergoing a seemingly unending environment collapse, the population is higher than it is now, nation states are squabbling over finite resources, technology is no longer growing exponentially, and trillionaires have existed long before 2123. But not everything is bad, humans are in a space now, and it seems like we will be up there permanently. How that exactly benefits you I’m not entirely too sure, but white man is on the moon and that somehow is good for humanity.

There’s literally THOUSANDS of people in space, all of them in service of creating greater profit for their corporate overlords. You are one of them, you overcame great adversity, beating millions like you who were just as talented and smart to get a place on a rocket to LIVE in outer space. And what is your reward for all your hard work. You’re labor aristocracy, what you do is absolutely critical to the functioning of the ship. But so is everyone else’s job except for the few space tourists that fund the entire operation. You are replaceable, you are at the bottom of the class hierarchy in space. And you are still leagues above everyone else on Earth.

Why would any class conscience person give a fuck about you? Boo-hoo, the food is bad, the work is dangerous, there’s heath issues living in space. YOU CHOSE TO DO THIS! The working class on Earth is more important than you and you have better living conditions than 99% of humanity. Only the most lib brained people on the planet would have any sympathy for a space colonialist. You literally left Earth because you were better than everyone and now you’re mad that you’re at the bottom of the totem poll.

But let’s assume you survive up there, you meet someone, you have a kid. In the completely uninhabitable void of space. Congratulations on creating some human suffering. I hope your kid doesn’t die from some space caused illness or doesn’t get “euthanized” because the economy can’t support your kid being in space. But kids do get born in space, it parallels the situation with Argentina sending pregnant women to Antarctica to give birth just because we can. Enough stubborn people have kids up there and some don’t die, humanity effectively starts colonizing space.

Who are the kids? They are the descendants of the most wealthy, most educated, most privileged people on earth. And even though there may be class conflict between them, they are still leagues above everyone else on earth in terms of wealth. It’s like watching the merchants fighting the aristocracy. There is no equality in who is in space and who is on earth. It isn’t fair, space colonialism is a project of the 1% of the 1%. It does not serve humanity. And let’s assume, we get space travel to be as easy as air travel. Do you know how little humanity actually take airplane rides? It’s between 5-10 percent. And many of those people only fly once or twice.

There is a purpose to humans being in space, manufacturing will eventually happen up there. There’s entire asteroids made of gold. But the issue of how humans get up there and stay there is going to be a class issue and there will be no sympathy for them. Because colonialists and their children have been a blight on humanity if history is anything to go by. Maybe one of them will try to throw an asteroid at the planet, surely people that need nuclear reactors to survive aren’t going to use them for anything bad. I for one support the privatization of space, may Elon Musk’s loins spread throughout the galaxy like a cancer and every person in space have his genes.

That concludes my shitpost about how much I hate space.