Gotta say, looks pretty good.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Same, big fan of Muppet slop. Kinda disappointed how they'll get like a season or a half and then dumped.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      I thought it was a movie trailer at first, it feels like something that should only last a season.

      Edit: Bring back The Mupper Show as a prime time Late Night style show as it belongs. Much like Loony Tunes, the Muppets need a tiny bit of edge for them to work. The 70s Muppet Show should always be the star to reach for. There's a lack of stuff that's Family in a way that doesn't pander hard to kids and then have double entendres for parents. Stuff like The Muppets, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Princess Bride and shit like that where people of all ages are enjoying it for the same reason. Noticeably most of this is Jim Henson stuff because I think he really had that hard to hit vibe totally dialed.

      Imma go old guy mode for a bit, but decent quality family media in my day was geared to be content wise decent for all but wasn't afraid to be a challenging movie for a young child. There's something about like...I guess post Shrek family content that is just so smoothed out that it only contains specific patronizing pandering to either a child or the parent at one moment or another. It feels less like a shared experience. As a non Disney example, the first movie I saw in a theater was The Lion King and my parents also loved it. There are for sure some things that have gone for that ground like Coraline, Lilo and Stitch etc but the general trend has seemed to go more towards just making a good movie that's G to light PG that is good to all for the dame reasons and doing market based analysis and making sure each demographic is enjoying a certain percent of the movie each but no one can enjoy it as a whole.

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I'm fine if it's just a season, intentionally, but I thought that Office spoof they were doing was pretty amusing. And then there was the streaming show that kind had potential. Just feels like they're not getting a lot of great opportunities in the face of all the Star Wars and Marvel slop.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          1 year ago

          I haven't seen any Disney Muppet stuff. I've heard some is good here and there. Muppets are a hard property to deal with right now, people know the merch but it's been so long since anything of quality has come out that people don't really know the characters behind the merch. I'm 31 and my liking the Muppets is cause my dad and grandparents would have bowling night with a bunch of pals and then everyone would come back to their place cause they had the best reception and watched the Muppet Show each week. Even in the 90s while I was growing up the Muppets were becoming sort of a little kid thing, which is a shame cause sesame street already exists. The Muppets think explosions are funny. Waldorf and Statler say that in the first episode of the Muppet show. It's gotta be a chaotic mess that Kermit is having panic attacks over and there needs to be explosions

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          1 year ago

          He's a dude that could for sure do that. I haven't seen it but will at some point.

            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
              1 year ago

              I'm getting renovicted rn and have pretty much just been rewatching ds9 cause it's my comfort show. When chaos had ended I'll check it out

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      That was cute. I showed it to my dad who was a tween when the Muppet show was on when my folks came by to grab some boxes to get ahead of a move and he loved it.

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago

    The Muppets have somehow managed to be a massive franchise for decades without becoming a soulless husk. Really something special.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      A lot of soul has been scooped out but I think it began with so much soul that bits hard to carve it all the way out. Definctland on YouTube did a fantastic multi part biography of Jim Henson and he just had this hard to describe but when he's talked about it adds up kinda thing that's super simple and basic and relatable for the audience but so specific as a creator thst comes along on rare occasions. He also worked with a lot of people that were those kinds of talents in their own rights as well.

      I think the biggest obstacles for The Muppets is thst there isn't really anyone at the top.that takes them seriously. The death of practical effects also didn't help. Jim Henson studios was amazing at making creature puppets for outside of house movies as well as detailed non human costumes etc. The Dark Crystal had almost a Tolkien/Avatar level of thought put into its world and all of it was mostly just for small bits of set dressing but it was a fully imagined world, you just weren't told about it aside from small visual bits.

  • Theblarglereflargle [any]
    1 year ago

    Look Disney doesn’t understand the muppets at ALL. But I’m hopefully optimistic about this.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Just finished watching. It was reasonably cute. Could used less human drama and more Muppets. But it was alright. Gave me some feels from time to time.