Materially, it makes little sense for blue-collar workers to vote for Modi, Orban, or Trump, a billionaire whose platform is to cut taxes for the rich. Hitler and Mussolini had their share of support from the poor too.
What are some of the theories of why this happens?
I know scapegoating foreigners for poverty is part of it. Wilhelm Reich wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism but I haven't read it.
While I'm sure this correct and plays a part to a degree, I don't think this was such a major factor. Bernie Sanders was saying he would change things massively, and I know PAC nonsense, but he still didn't get enough support to get in.
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Agreed, so it feels like that is a bigger factor in people's opinions.
MSNBC brought Harvey Weinstein on one of their shows, didn't introduce him as a Clinton surrogate and allowed him to say that Sanders is sexist without any pushback.
Bernie got 2/3 of the media coverage Hillary got and Trump was all the mainstream media could talk about. If you weren't listening to alt-media sources you probably never heard of Bernie Sanders until 2020.
I was thinking about folks only paying attention to the general election.
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