• Thallo [she/her, he/him]
    1 month ago

    You're obviously projecting western ideas of homosexuality onto the complex social relations within ancient Japan.

    Yes, the girl is saying "I am a gay woman who is in love with you, a gay woman" but, in the context of japanese culture, youths often say this to one another to imply "you are a valued classmate, and I treasure your presence." Please educate yourself before you try to make everything, particularly art from a culture you don't understand, gay.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    1 month ago

    Unironically Kano/Mahiru isn't gay enough. They've been dancing around the blushing declarations of being quite fond of one another for almost an entire in-universe year as of the latest episode with no more open and honest discussion, which sucks so hard when like 90% of the show's drama revolves around boldly rejecting fear of social disapproval and openly chasing your dreams.

    Random aside, what subs are actually good for Girls Band Cry? Looking it up on nyaa.si there's an absurd amount of drama about bad subs and machine translation that's excessive even for the usual dumpster fire that is the nyaa.si comments section.

    • AernaLingus [any]
      1 month ago

      Random aside, what subs are actually good for Girls Band Cry?

      Okay, so I haven't actually started watching it yet (only found out about it yesterday and downloaded last night), but it seems like SobsPlease is the non-MTL non-speedsub release