In Finland, there's a chocolate covered marshmallow-type confection that was used to be called "N-word's Kisses"
When the company that made them shortened the name to just "Kisses" and made the mascots' lips slightly less exaggerated in the early 2000's there was a huge backlash and a tidal wave of angry letters to the editor from old people.
There also used to be a licorice mascot that looked like this, and while he may be long gone, you'll be delighted to know that to this day, black men still sometimes get called Laku-Pekka. Well, I say long gone, but he's kind of still around except instead of being a caricature of an African person it's a horrifying amorphous mass of Mr Popo faces
In Finland, there's a chocolate covered marshmallow-type confection that was used to be called "N-word's Kisses"
When the company that made them shortened the name to just "Kisses" and made the mascots' lips slightly less exaggerated in the early 2000's there was a huge backlash and a tidal wave of angry letters to the editor from old people.
There also used to be a licorice mascot that looked like this, and while he may be long gone, you'll be delighted to know that to this day, black men still sometimes get called Laku-Pekka. Well, I say long gone, but he's kind of still around except instead of being a caricature of an African person it's a horrifying amorphous mass of Mr Popo faces
Sweden used to have "n-word balls", nowadays they're called "chocolate balls", but the change made my mother extremely mad.
We're Americans...
That first one where I live they call it N-word tits
hahahaha, oh my gooooood
That's unacceptable, they should shorten it to just Tits
It's a misadaptation from French where it's têtes-de-nègre, N-word heads.