"I work a job that inherently and intentionally puts me in direct conflict with the public, generally hassling them and making their life more uncomfortable for no real reason. Why would the public give me shit for that? Clearly it's the fault of the public."
Dude has never worked a customer service job in his life. There your job is to help them and the public will still give you shit for it. Doesn't mean you get to be a psychopath.
subconscious pattern recognition
My sibling in christ you are literally describing yourself making a conscious choice to be racist
Lol right? Subconscious pattern recognition that OP is very conscious of
Doorknocking for charity fucked mine. Factory work strangely unfucked it, but I'm not recommending it or anything. I'm trying to sort of bring a ruthless organisation to my life but not work for others. We'll see. Drinking and using drugs only in moderation now, so that's a start
A lot of factory workers have good work and life satisfaction, and I think a big reason for that is that it is immediately obvious what the products of your labor are, and how they impact the world. You're still alienated from your labor, of course, but a lot of workers suffer from a double alienation of also not seeing what the value of their work is to society.
Guy: my job is causing me to understand why cops are structurally pushed to become bad regardless of their own morals or background.......guess that means I should sympathize with the police and continue becoming a worse and worse person.
i worked in a conflict oriented, client facing position. it made me very good at deescalating highly charged situations.
probably because i wasn't issued a gun, body armor or get a paid vacation + good boy points for executing people.
When I do interact with another human it's usually in the context of conflict
Then you're a fucking bad security guard, innit? Manners cost nothing and will get you far. I've worked with this type of guy and they're always confused and annoyed when people argue with them on the job. Like my man, you hold the chips here, why get heated? Why even be confrontational? What do you have to prove? You are hypothetically backed by the entire security state, you can afford to be patient and polite, and you'll find that doing so prevents many more problems than cliche mall security toughguy aggression could ever solve.
Rent-a-cops who internalize the value of property, of some parking lot over the human beings they interact with are some of the most truly depressing people.
If you're ever going to a concert, and it's time to choose a bag search/metal detection line, go for the one manned by the friendliest, most obviously stoned guard. I hated taking people's drugs, and would always pretend not to see them. I fell assbackwards into that job through a friend, and so always viewed the guys who really wanted to be there with a bit of suspicion.
But seriously, "don't take it personally" is rule number one of any public facing job.
just when i think i've seen all the fucked up emojis on this site, someone pulls out one like this
Even in that fucking den of reactionaries they can figure this out. It's not hard, libs.
Being a cop isn’t even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs. Yet most people don’t kill a stranger because they got mad