Enjoy what's left of IRL

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    1 year ago

    maybe this is what will force people to touch grass once more. but hey, at least we got the fun part of the internet(if youre like 30 and up)

    • SodaThief [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I think it will have the opposite effect. They just remodeled my local McDonald's. No Soda machine. Now you have to beg for refills. It's not the first McDonald's I've seen this happen to this year. It's a worrying trend, and basically the main reason for the local youth to go there instead of Chikfila.

      Sure, this one detail is meaningless by itself, but it's the 1000s of relentless degrading of IRL that are happening across the board, now you have to be diligent about every good experience you remember in the past being replaced with shittier ones in random unpredictable ways. And everything costs 20% more now on top of that.

      The stress of this leads to one thing: why should I even bother going outside?

      • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
        1 year ago

        The stress of this leads to one thing: why should I even bother going outside?

        that's called depression

        • wild_dog [they/them]
          1 year ago

          or anxiety. i have anxiety and while I don't really experience issues with decision fatigue, some of my friends who have anxiety really struggle with that so that era where you could kinda trust reviews really helped them.

      • boardbyboard [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        speaking suburban hangout staples being stripped of any semblance of joy, i got a report from a friend that malls aren't letting anyone < 18 in without an adult after certain hours in their town. Not that hanging out at the mall was really a thing in the past maybe decade(?) but now it seems like it's really gone

        • InternetLefty [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Being in public as a young person is becoming more and more of a crime. Better to stay home and read :reddit-logo: all day, if home is safe for you. Otherwise sorry but it's off to prison

        • wild_dog [they/them]
          1 year ago

          hanging out at the mall is still a thing for teens (i see it at my local mall), it's just that in the 90s-2000s, it was a more ubiquitous thing and now it's only rich kids that can afford to do it bc everything is so expensive/more teenagers from working class families are being pressured to work in their teenage years.

          • boardbyboard [comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            this makes perfect sense, I am no longer a teenager or living in suburban amerika anymore so i was just kinda passing along an anecdote. Still sad to hear, maybe we'll still have parks for the time being

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        They just remodeled my local McDonald’s. No Soda machine. Now you have to beg for refills. It’s not the first McDonald’s I’ve seen this happen to this year.

        Weird with so many other fast food places leaning into the Coca-Cola multiverse of flavors machine.

        • spectre [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Depends what ZIP code OP lives in. I notice a significant difference in the way the same brand will treat it's customers in my area vs. other parts of town like where I grew up. Poorer areas are treated like children or criminals by default.

        • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Coca-Cola multiverse of flavors machine

          I'm pretty sure those things have RFID chip readers to monitor and limit your number of refills. I'm only hedging because it's been so long since I ate in one of those dining rooms

          • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
            1 year ago

            idk. TBH, I'm basically a hermit and haven't been inside a fast food restaurant in quite some time. The few I've dealt with haven't had RFID, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been added since. I'm sure they will eventually, if not already.

  • wild_dog [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Reviews are the only reason I still visit Reddit. it fucking sucks but for a lot of the things I buy (music gear and fitness equipment mostly), it's the only place you can actually get a fair review of something since you still can look at the poster's history and as long as you keep in mind whatever the sub's groupthink on products are, it usually works out well for me.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Search for "thing"

      Results all obvious trash and ads

      Search for "thing + reddit"

      Get actual results

      It's cool that google is actively getting worse.

      • wild_dog [they/them]
        1 year ago

        google removed "don't be evil" from their motto or whatever and now i'm forced to read people's bazinga reddit humor to figure out which sampler to buy. capitalism rocks

      • Sinonatrix [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        I don't even know how to buy stuff or find meta-conversation without relying on reddit anymore. I can't tell if the Internet actually is 90% wasteland blog spam or that Google just gave up deranking the trash

    • Florn [they/them]
      1 year ago

      As a former restaurant worker, definitely restaurants

      • CA0311 [they/them]
        1 year ago

        the body text of the post definitely implies something a lot worse than "it's hard to get accurate reviews of restaurants" but you're right lol

        • Florn [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Restaurants are the limit of IRL for many Americans