Magic people, magic people Voodoo people, magic people Magic people, magic people Voodoo people, magic people :cat-vibing:
The actual hackers (and phone phreakers, that was a thing before internet telephony made it obsolete) I knew back in the 90s were disheveled, smelly nerds who were either fat or rail-thin. Anime wasn't a thing then but they would have totally been into it. Anarchy was just a symbol and a "tear it all down" ethos, not an actual political ideology.
Insurrectionism being the dominant left ideology for like 5 years was a time.
I couldn't tell you anything about Makhno or even one slender slip of actual anarchist ideology. Nevertheless as a child I used to carve :anarchy-a-white: and swastikas and SS runes into playground equipment for no other reason than I knew they were bad and would make uptight moral guardians angry.
I'm in! What a hacker says when he's accessed the system, or when he's doing a sex thing.