• stinky [any]
    1 year ago

    I don’t take issue with critiquing the military, but with dunking on the “poor boys” as OP did.

    Cops are a good example of this. I’m sure ACAB alienates some folks. I don’t care about that. I think it’s a good slogan and cops are, in general, bad. But this post (specifically the comment I was replying to and the greater context of why this BS even started) is similar to dunking on black and brown cops rather the system or even on the white thumbs overwhelmingly in charge of it. It’s a very weird hill to die on.

    Should black and brown cops be criticised? Absolutely. But you can’t deny it’s kinda sus to focus on them rather than any other or the system they’re a part of.

    They didn’t mention it but this all started because a leftist veteran died recently and a certain empanada on Twitter meme’d about it.

    And OP already claimed they don’t believe revolution is possible so I don’t see a need to argue the point further with them. If all you want to do is meme and doom post, then there’s clearly no reason to take you seriously.

    Edit: Also, the main point I was making still stands. I don’t think it’s possible to have a revolution in the West, especially America, without having a chunk of the military on your side. And that chunk will have to be people like the ones OP is dunking on.

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      1 year ago

      The reason that "poor boys" get dunked on is the same reason that "good cops", ethnic minority cops or even "queer cops" get dunked on and focused on.

      Their existence is presented and focused upon as one line of defense in favor of these systems, so critiques will go after these groups since they have been made into a living argument.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        1 year ago

        Theres endless further examples of this kind of shit too, vegan IDF, neurodivergent CIA agents, gamer drone pilots.

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      1 year ago

      Hating the troops is literally mainstream now. Remember Trump going mask off and calling them losers and suckers? That's not controversial anymore, you just can't say it out loud in polite company, but no one "respects" the troops except the biggest liberals and rubes. It's not some epic dunk on the right wing or the imperialists to hate soldiers, they don't like them either.

      Imo this attitude should be exploited by the left. The best way to help "the troops" is to put an end to imperialist ventures they get sent on.

      • dolphin
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

      • Golgafrinchan [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Goad the right into doing that whole "defend America" thing. Then point out the troops aren't defending America, they're starting wars in distant foreign lands.

    • dolphin
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator