We already do this with some slurs, right? We can start enforcing these words, too.

Not calling anyone out, I’ve been guilty of it too. And we don’t have to do it all at once. Like, we can start with these:

Ableist words and alternatives.

Stupid, R€tarded, Idiot(ic), Cretin, or Moron(ic): People say this to imply something, or someone isn't intelligent or worth their time, but the words refer to people with intellectual disabilities. Instead, say that a situation or person is frustrating, ignorant, dense, unpleasant, cheesy, or awful.

Dumb: This word refers to a person who doesn't speak verbally, but people often use it to mean that something or someone isn't intelligent or wise. It's listed separately from stupid and its synonyms because it references a physical disability instead of an intellectual one. Try using any of the non-ableist synonyms like irritating or uncool.

Crazy, Nuts, Mad, Psycho, or Insane: "Wow, that's crazy!" may not seem like a harmful statement, but if you think about someone with a mental health condition hearing that statement, it's easy to realize that it is. So instead of using one of those words, try outrageous, bananas, bizarre, amazing, intense, extreme, overwhelming, or wild.

  • stinky [any]
    1 year ago

    I think, respectfully, no one actually knows if you are a 100 gecs fan or not. We have to take you at your word for it, which I’m not against, but we would then have to extend that trust to everyone else too. Which means the words don’t actually get banned because there’s an exception for 100 gecs fans to use it and everyone will claim they’re one to get by.


    • Comp4 [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      We also dont know if you are a fed who wants to sow discord and further fragment the site. Doesnt even need to be a fed (that would imply you get paid) just a wrecker is enough. Could even be another leftist. Not saying you are. Just a thought.

      • stinky [any]
        1 year ago

        Couple things.

        Firstly, I don’t think we need a fed or a wrecker to fragment this site lol. People here have done so quite well on their own since the start.

        Secondly tho, this site is not a place for leftists to actually organise and do stuff that would be a threat to capital. That was tried earlier and it failed miserably. It’s just a place for shitposts (and regular posts).

        Like Reddit but less chuddy.

        In lieu of that goal, it’s quite reasonable to suggest that one aspect of Reddit chuddiness that needs to go is ableist language.

        Oh, finally, by accusing ME of being a fed/wrecker, aren’t YOU the one sowing discord?? Real sus behaviour there :soviet-hmm:

        • Comp4 [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          Well of course I might be a fed. I guess I agree with you on one point. This is primarily a shitposting site that sometimes has insightful takes. Which is why I dont take it that serious. Which is why I find it pardon my french a bit "silly" to ban words such as "idiot". Now im aware Hexbear praises itself to be at the cutting edge of leftist thought and it is "in" to fight ableism with fire and flame.

          I just think if you cared about this topic why not campaign for it in the real world or places that actually reach people (like reddit funny enough) instead of shouting into the void on an obscure niche site that no one knows about.

          Like sure we could implement these things and ban words such as "silly" but I dont consider this meaningful change in the slightest. Feels like a bandaid on a serious wound.

          • stinky [any]
            1 year ago

            That argument goes both ways.

            In my case, I started this discussion here because this is the place I’m present more than any others. Maybe that’s not the case for you, but I barely go on Reddit outside of a couple subreddits that have literally zero presence here.

            But if even leftists on an “obscure niche site that no one knows about” are not willing to engage with the possibility of banning certain ableist terminology, then what hope is there for doing the same on larger places like Reddit.

            • Comp4 [comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              Well I wouldnt be opposed to regulate my language. I do it all the time while infiltrating other places 😉 . If that is the price for the downfall of the USA it is a small price to pay.