• Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    The monolithic treatment of a massive group of people based on nothing but skin color is racist and reductive. Latinos get it too. They should try giving a shit more often than every 4 years instead of pandering.

    • TheGyattsMustBeCrazy [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      They don't even have the temerity to pander! They got mad at Trump for being distasteful for putting his names on the stimulus checks that hood rappers are still praising him for, while the plan Kamala released to uplift black neighborhoods was "a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities."

      And speaking of Latinos, it was such a wakeup call to me when Trump's Latino support shot up in 2020 BECAUSE of his border policies, since they created a ton of enforcement related middle class jobs for Spanish-speaking Americans living near the border. Like it couldn't be clearer how material benefits override any lip service solidarity.

      • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
        1 month ago

        Many Latinos also harbor right wing political beliefs. These would be overridden by meaningful material benefits but of course under democrats these are non existent. How anyone would be surprised by the steady erosion of support from this "reliable democratic voter base" is beyond me

        • TheGyattsMustBeCrazy [none/use name]
          1 month ago

          I think the Biden campaign outright said that Hispanics were not part of their path to victory in 2020. The Dems also spinelessly gave in to conservative framing about border crises and jettisoned a policy that was popular--pathway to citizenship, amnesty for Dreamers/those who have been here forever, but more inflow controls. The old ass Dems didn't trust the American people to grasp nuance and overlook the "open borders" panic even though most people are pretty humane about undocumented immigrants even while nominally against them.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      1 month ago

      It's funny how dems will mock Republicans for calling a dude from Paraguay a Mexican and then also treat the Latinos (except the Cubans!) like they are a monolith. What the hell, guys.