One of my in-laws is the worst kind of aging :freeze-gamer: .

He's the target audience for Youtubers that ramble about how everything is political these days. Many of his takes are chuddy but tepid, but one was very, very hot indeed.

If I recall correctly, it went almost verbatim like this:

:grillman: "My kids are mature for their age. They've watched Game of Thrones with me plenty of times. They're not thin-skinned snowflakes... but it should be against the law to show gay shit without warning me about it." :grill-broke:

He went on to describe in some detail some gaaay oral sex scene in Gambo or maybe it was some other :awooga: :libertarian-alert: :hypersus: that ostensibly a few preteen children are totally mature enough to watch with him, as long as there's none of that. :gayroller-2000:

While he was ranting, delaying the return to his car as I had been waiting for for the better part of an hour, his preteen kids were standing around him, one bored, one annoyed and outright asking "are you doing this again, daddy?" with a :lea-why: face that implied that he had made the near-exact same rant to someone else before during other offline opportunities.

Kids are totally mature enough for :awooga: :libertarian-alert: :hypersus: and it's some sort of badge of honor to play with Legos on the carpet during historically accurate hog feedings, as long as it isn't gaaaay. :what-the-hell:

  • D61 [any]
    1 year ago

    starts up the "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm okay!" sketch from Monty Python