Just had to endure ANOTHER lecture. It’s almost a daily occurrence at this point. I fucking hate it and wish I could just run away.


Like. I’m old enough that they can’t stop me but my dumbass is still financially dependent on them. It fucking sucks and is so suffocating.

They never see anything wrong with what they do. No, they have “decades of experience” and must be listened to. It’s just ME that has to be constantly criticised for everything.

Not one good word. I don’t think I even remember the last time I got complemented or celebrated or spoken of in any positive fucking terms.

I’m gonna stop typing and thinking like this cuz I can feel the waterworks coming.

Just… fuck it all, man. I wish I could just run away to some place far away and just actually live my life.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Let me ask you this: Do you pay rent to your parents? Do you split the bill over utilities and groceries? Who's doing the laundry or washing the dishes or vacuuming the carpet? Do you cook for your parents? Because if you're doing none of those things, then in their eyes, them lecturing you is completely justified. "My kid doesn't have to see 60% of their paycheck disappear because of rent on top of getting free maid service, so the least they could do is sit through my advice, which is free as well." If anything, your parents are probably low-key resentful about you not contributing your share of the workload and they keep on lecturing you because their patience with you is running thin. As for why they don't just say, "Give us $1000 a month of gtfo," first, that time will come soon enough and second, parents aren't always direct about what they want. They're still human after all, and the older you get, the more they'll default to treating you like an adult instead of a child (yes, this might seem insensitive to say after they berated you like a child, but it's true), so if they're naturally unconfrontational in front of their peers, that'll sometimes trickle down to how they interact with you.

    So what is to be done? The crucial thing is to determine whether your parents are actually decent people or just assholes. The litmus test is not how they're treating you, especially right now when tensions are high with them, but how they treat other people. Do they treat waiters with dignity or do they treat them like complete shit? Do they contribute to church charity or do they constantly gossip behind their fellow churchgoers? Do they help support their fellow coworkers or do they suck up to the boss? Are they the center of your extended families for being super chill and cool or are they completely shunned by your extended families for being nothing but trouble?

    Once you make your evaluation of their character, then you'll know what do:

    • If they just assholes, then fuck 'em. Leach off of them as much as you can before you're financially independent and gtfo. Hell, I wouldn't not recommend committing petty theft liking taking shit that you could sell on eBay right before you leave if they're really that bad.

    • If they're decent people, I would recommend doing some household chores and see if their behavior improves. If their behavior does improve, then they were most likely resentful about you not doing chores but are being childish about it instead of being adults by talking to you directly. Find the balance point between doing chores and listening to their pointless lectures.

    • If their behavior doesn't improve, they you need to have a family meeting with them both. Calmly explain to them that you aren't a kid anymore and you won't tolerate being lectured like a child but that you also understand that as an adult, you have an adult obligation to do your share of the household chores and contribute your financial share to rent/taxes and other living expenses. Firmly make a deal with them where you'll do an agreed upon amount of chores and pay an agreed upon amount of rent while they completely stop lecturing you. Besides this, there needs to be agreed upon consequences if one party doesn't hold their end of the bargain. If you don't hold your end of the bargain, X will happen, and if they don't hold their end of the bargain, Y will happen.

    Good luck.

    • christian [he/him]
      1 year ago

      A lot of this post is reasonable, but selling someone's shit because you judge them to have bad character seems like a terrible suggestion. This isn't like shoplifting from a soulless corporation.