Can't post link because I grabbed this from r/shitliberalssay and searching the comment's text doesn't bring it up

  • Fishroot [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    "What sorcery did they unleash on them to make them turn around like this?''

    I read an article about how an institution during cold war asked a group who studied STEMS and the humanities and ask what you've do if you have the nuclear arsenal. Most of the STEMSlords managed to annihilate the world multiple times because it is just logical to nuke the enemy in a first strike to destroy the second strike capabilities (this line of thinking made it into reagan era btw). The humanities department manage to prevent MAD

    Reddit is full of Rational (tm) and pseud-stemslord. go figure

    • wild_dog [they/them]
      1 year ago

      yeah, not to go all Marshal McLuhan here but the medium is the message. we can't underscore how fucking weird that website is, especially if you're talking about politics on there. Reddit can be great if you wanna talk to people who know way more than you'll ever need to know about a piece of music equipment or find out cool facts about sports but you can also see some sicko shit from people who also post in tech related subs. i work in tech so it's not like i think everyone is like this but the most I'M STEM AND BETTER THAN YOU BC I LOGIC coworkers are basically pro genocide if it furthers American interests.

      • Fishroot [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        it's almost like get politics out of ''''''''non political''''''' issues managed to create a bunch of psychopaths that see people as datas on a spread.

        It's funny how at my work, the non political people can talk about certain issues with horrid consequences and the response you get is ''oh it's 10% affected''