• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    "This nonviolent stuff will get you killed" and the uprising in 2020 were both eye openers. When people marched they weren't carrying, but a lot of people during civil rights were strapped. Non-violence was a tactic, not a suicide pact. King often had a lot of people staying wherever he was staying, strapped up, to dissuade the klan from attacking in the night. A repeated theme was that the sncc kids weren't armed but the people who were hosting them often were, with the attitude of "we're not going to let the klan kill these nice kids without a fight".

    Same thing in 2020. Like don't get me wrong, there were no heroic self defense shootings. But everyone was strapped. I have never seen so many rifles and pistols outside of a shooting range. Whatever liberals think about it people have guns. They might even have helped dissuade attacks - we got video of a cop shaped white guy getting out of his car a few blocks from a protest camp, unloading a glock in to the air, and driving away. The thinking was cops or yakubians were doing it to heighten terror. And the cops wouldn't come near us unless they had 40 cops with rifles bc they were afraid of getting lit up.

    We're not dealing with a safe, sane, reasonable world where level heads and well phrased arguments will prevail. People complaining about armed minorities and leftists have an inaccurate view of how politics is conducted in America.